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Showing 141 - 160 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

Having increased 20.61%, potatoes was the item with the biggest individual impact on the Brazilian inflation in May - Picture: IBGE Archive The Brazilian inflation was 0.46% in May, accelerating in relation to the previous month (0.38%). The result was pressed by the prices of food and beverages, which...

News Agency

Workers with a formal contract reach 38.188 million and without a formal contract reach 13.5 million, the largest contingents in the Continuous PNAD time series, started in 2012 - Photo: Karolina Fabbris Pacheco/AEN In the moving quarter ended in April 2024, the unemployment rate was 7.5%, with no statistically...

News Agency

Innovation at the IBGE is in tune with international trends. Therefore, in 2024, the Institute will make available the Statistical Yearbook of Brazil, in its new digital and interactive version, which will be launched on June 26, at Casa Brasil IBGE. For the first time in its long history, the Statistical...

News Agency

The training was free and registrations were made on the IBGE bookstore website. In one of the actions of the task force created by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) to assist in the reconstruction of cities hit by floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, more than 200 managers,...

News Agency

The IBGE publishes today the update of the list with changes to the Legal Toponyms of Brazilian Municipalities. They are the proper nouns of the municipalities, updated in the Institute's database of territorial structures. The new list also brings the series of changes that occurred in the previous...

News Agency

Services sector leverages rise of GDP in Q1 2024, with a highlight to retail trade - Picture: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency In the seasonally-adjusted series, the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose 0.8% in the first quarter of 2024 against the last quarter of 2023. Having risen 1.4% mainly due...

News Agency

Sales in the sector of office, IT and communication equipment and supplies grew 14.2% in April - Photo: Jefferson Rudy/Agência Senado Between March and April, retail sales in the country grew 0.9%, reaching the highest level in the series. This was the fourth positive result in a row for the sector,...

News Agency

Rise in gasoline prices had the main influence on the May inflation preview - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The inflation preview was 0.44% in May, 0.23 percentage points (pp) above the rate recorded in April (0.21%). The biggest influences came from the following groups: Health and personal...

News Agency

The IBGE will be present at another edition of the Federative Caravan, this time in Teresina (PI). The 10th edition of the event will be held on the 20th and 21st of June, at the Teresina Convention Center.For the two days of the Federative Caravan, the State Superintendency of IBGE Piauí (SES/PI) set...

News Agency

IBGE Schedule shows list of events carrried out by the Institute - Photo: Bel Corção/Brasil com S The IBGE schedule is available for April 22-28. This edition brings the releases, internal and external meetings, actions and appointments of the IBGE Presidency, Directorates and Advisories, State Superintendencies...

News Agency

Contributing with 0.16 pp to the change of 0.35% of the overall industry, the chemical sector exerted the major influence on the March´s IPP - Picture: Freepik For the second time on the positive side, after dropping for three months, the prices of the national industry rose 0.35% in March 2024 over...

News Agency

The 0.79% increase in the petroleum refining and biofuels sector was influenced by the increase in biodiesel - Photo: Camila Domingues/Palácio Piratini National industry prices grew 0.74% in April compared to the previous month. This was the third positive result in a row in this indicator. As a result,...


The hydrographic basin of the Jequitinhonha River covers most of the northeast of the State of Minas Gerais and a little sector of the southeast of Bahia. It is located between the 16º and 18°S parallels and the 39º and 44ºW meridians, adding up to a total area of 70,315 km2 . Of this area, 66,319 km2...

News Agency

IBGE Schedule brings the Institue's activities for the week - Photo: Bel Corção/Brasil com S Released today (15), at 9 am, the IBGE Schedule brings the Institute's activities for this week. This current edition covers the 15th to 21st of April and brings the releases, internal and external meetings,...

News Agency

Crude oil became the main product in national industry in 2022 - Photo: Agência Petrobras O IBGE released, today (27), the Annual Survey of Industry – Product (PIA-Product) 2022, which investigated about 3,400 products manufactured by 33.1 thousand companies and their 39.8 thousand local branches for...

News Agency

The decrease in volume of output was mainly due to the lower estimate for corn 2nd crop (-12.8%) and for corn 1st crop (-3.3%), for sorghum (-12.1%) and for upland cottonseed (-3.3%) - Photo: Gilson Abreu/AEN-PR The national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is expected to reach 306.5 million...

News Agency

Manufacture of food products was the main industrial activity in 13 of the 27 Federation Units - Photo: Gilson Abreu/AEN In 2022, the Manufacture of food products remained the most important industrial segment for the national industry, contributing 22.5% of net sales revenue (RLV) and being the one...

News Agency

Agriculture showed a record growth in 2023 with the increase in the output of corn and soybeans - Picture: Jaelson Lucas-AEN-PR The Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) remained stable in the fourth quarter of 2023 and closed the year with a growth of 2.9%, adding up to R$10.9 trillion. The agricultural...

News Agency

IPCA-15 decelerates for the second month in a row, though rises in groups of Food and beverages and Health and personal care influenced the index Picture: IBGE Archive Inflation preview stayed at 0.21% in April, 0.15 percentage points (pp) lower than that of March, when it had changed 0.36%. The result...

News Agency

Specialized services for construction grew 6.5 percentage points since 2013 - Picture: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The construction industry produced R$439.0 billion in value of incorporations, works and/or services in 2022, being R$415.6 billion in works and/or services and R$23.5 billion in incorporations....