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Showing 2601 - 2620 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

Documento sem título In the seasonally-adjusted series, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined 0.2% in the comparison between the first quarter of 2015 and the fourth quarter of 2014. Compared with the same period in 2014, the GDP declined 1.6% in the first quarter of the year. The cumulative GDP...

News Agency

In December 2010, industrial production contracted 0.7%, in the seasonally adjusted series... In December 2010, the industrial production contracted 0.7%, in the seasonally adjusted series, after remaining virtually stable in the last four months. Compared with the same month of 2009, there was an expansion...

News Agency

In terms of the index accumulated in the last twelve months, the national result recorded decrease of 1.0% in February 2012. It remained on a downward trend as observed since October 2010 (11.8%), with the most significant negative rate registered since February 2010 (-2.6%). In terms of regional indexes,...

News Agency

Leveraged by the new record of soybean production (86.8 million metric tons), the Brazilian agriculture registered, in 2014, a growth of 8.1% in the production value, reaching R$ 251.2 billion. Soybeans, coffea arabica and upland cotton were the crops that mostly contributed to the rise of the production...

News Agency

In November, in the seasonally adjusted series, there was deceleration of industrial production in seven of the fourteen areas surveyed. The most significant decreases occurred in Amazonas (-4.0%), Minas Gerais (-2.6%), São Paulo (-2.3%) and Santa Catarina (-1.9%). Amazonas reversed the increase of 1.3%...

News Agency

Positive performance in relation to December 2005 is already with seasonal adjustment. In the series without adjustment, the rates for trade sales were 6.54% compared to January/05 and 4.87% for the index accumulated in the last 12 months. Regarding nominal revenue, the rates were 9.47% in relation to...

News Agency

In spite of the rise of school fees, consumer items such as food products and apparel led to the decrease of the rate from January to February The Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) of February changed by 0.41% and was below the January rate (0.59%). In the first two months of the year, the...

News Agency

The national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds may reach 135,1 million tons, that is, 2.2% over the April estimate (132,3 million tons). The national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds may reach 135,1 million tons, that is, 2.2% over the April estimate (132,3 million tons). Production is...

News Agency

Estimates for the production of corn remain dropping - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The estimate for the Brazilian harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds in 2021 was reduced for the fourth consecutive month, though it remains a record and should reach 256.1 million tonnes until the end of...

News Agency

According to the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA , the national harvest of grains - cereals, legumes and oilseeds - was estimated in 132.3 million tons in April, a volume 1.2% higher than the one estimated in March. The gain of approximately 1.5 million tons came mainly from the crops...

News Agency

The National Accounts of IBGE show that, according to the new methodology, there was accumulated growth of 3.7% throughout the four quarters of 2006. GDP at market prices was R$ 2,322,8 million and GDP per capita grew by 2.3% in the period, having reached the figure of R$ 12,437,00. IBGE proceeds with...

News Agency

That was the lowest rate since the beginning of the series of the survey, started in March of 2002... That was the lowest rate since the beginning of the survey series, started in March of 2002. In relation to October (6.1%) the unemployment rate dropped 0.4 percentage points and, in relation to November...

News Agency

OCTOBER estimate for 2016 183.8 million metric tons OCTOBER 2016/September 2016 -0.1% (-153.7 thousand metric tons) Change: 2016 harvest/2015 harvest -12.3% (-25.9 million metric tons) First harvest estimate for 2017 13.9% (+25.6 million metric tons) The first estimate for the 2017 harvest points to...

News Agency

In comparison with the result in December 2006, the seasonally adjusted rate interrupted a sequence of three positive results, in a period in which the accumulated growth of the industrial production was 1.8%. In relation to January 2006, the industry grew by 4.5%. The indicator accumulated in the last...

News Agency

Expected harvest (145.1 million metric tons) is 9.0% above the figure in 2007 and 1.0% above the rate expected for June, keeping, this way, the estimate of a record output. The expected planted area (47.3 million hectares) is 4.3% bigger than that of last year. The seventh estimate for the national harvest...

News Agency

Gasoline dropped 5.92% in October and it was the item with the biggest negative impact this month - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency After registering two consecutive months of deflation, inflation preview in October was 0.16%. Like in the last months, the retreat in the price of fuels (-6.14%)...

News Agency

The deceleration of items like school monthly tuition fees and food products were responsible for the reduction of March's rate. The Extended National Consumer Price Index-15 (IPCA-15) changed by 0.40% in March, and was bellow February's rate (0.90%). The prices were collected from February 11th until...

News Agency

The Brazilian industrial production recorded negative change of 0.2% between August and September 2010 (seasonally adjusted series), and there were negative rates in 9 of the 14 areas surveyed. Rio Grande do Sul (-2.3%), mainly affected by the interruption of petroleum refining and alcohol production,...

News Agency

The Survey of Basic State Information (Estadic) and the Survey of Basic Municipal Information (Munic) are now released as a single edition. Among the human right policies implemented by states and municipalities, protection to women affected by domestic violence prevailed: they existed in 45.2% of the...

News Agency

Indicator / period OCTOBER2015 Setptember2015 October2014 Unemployment rate 7.9% 7.6% 4.7% Usual real earnings R$ 2,182.10 R$ 2,194.71 R$ 2,345.81 Value of earnings in relation to: -0.6% -7.0% The unemployment rate of October (7.9%) was statistically stable in comparison with the September figure (7.6%)...