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Showing 2841 - 2860 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

In 2010, there were 33.320 high-growth enterprises, which are those that had the number of the employees increased in 20%, within a period of three years. They employed 5 million persons and paid R$ 88 billion in wages and other remuneration. 32,863 of these enterprises were classified as organic growth...

News Agency

In the first month of 2005, the country´s retail trade had change of 6.24% in the volume of sales and 12.96% in the nominal receipt, when compared to January 2004. The decrease of the growth rate in relation to December 2004, when the rates were 11.42% for the volume of sales and 18.74% for the nominal...

News Agency

In May 2010, industrial production remained at the same level as in April (0.0%), after having interrupted a sequence of positive results which had started in December 2009... In May 2010, industrial production remained at the same level as in April (0.0%), after having interrupted a sequence of positive...

News Agency

In February 2013, the industrial output declined 2.5% in relation to the immediately previous month, in the seasonally adjusted series, virtually eliminating the expansion of 2.6% registered in January. Compared with the same month of the previous year in the seasonally adjusted series, the industry...

News Agency

In 2006, according to IBGE’s Central Register of Enterprises, there were 5.7 million enterprises registered in the National Directory of Legal Entities (CNPJ), with increase of 1.0% in relation to 2005. Among these enterprises, 89.9% were companies, 0.3%, organizations of public administrations and 9.9%,...

News Agency

The expected production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is 133,4 million tons, according to June estimates. This figure represents decrease by 1.3% in relation to May. The expected production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is 133,4 million tons, according to June estimates. This figure represents...

News Agency

The National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) 2011 shows that, from 2009 to 2011, the average real income from all the activities of employed income-earners at 10 years of age and over grew by 8.3%. In the classification by income ranges, the biggest growth of income from work (29.2%) was observed in the...

News Agency

Slaughter of hogs and pigs reached the highest quarterly level since the beginning of the time series, in 1997 - Photo: Ari-Dias-AEN-PR Cattle slaughter increased by 11.9%, slaughter of hogs and pigs grew by 5.0% and chicken slaughter rose by 0.9% in this third quarter of 2022, compared to the same period...

News Agency

The beginning of the school year brought impact on February's IPCA 15 - Photo: Rovena Rosa / Agência Brasil The Extended National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15), which is the official inflation preview, was 0.99% in February - 0.41 percentage points (pp) above the January rate (0.58%). This is the...

News Agency

The National Index of Civil Construction of December, estimated by IBGE in partnership with CAIXA, was 0.36%, the lowest index in 2003. This indicator was quite below December's of 2002 (2.91%), with a difference of 2.55 percentage points. With December's result, the cumulative change of the year stayed...

News Agency

Changes in rules of emergency aid and inflation explain drop in household earnings per person in 2021 - Photo: Marcelo Casal Jr/Agência Brasil The household monthly average earnings per person fell 6.9% in 2021 and changed from R$1,454 in 2020 to R$1,353. This is the lowest value in the time series of...

News Agency

IBGE - The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics makes available on its web site ( the PPP (Positioning by Precise Point), a free online service which processes data generated through GPS (Global Positioning System), in order to inform the latitude, longitude and altitude of...

News Agency

Life expectancy at birth of the population, both sexes, in Brazil changed from 69.66 years (69 years, 7 months and 29 days) to 72.86 years (72 years, 10 months and 10 days). Brazilians born in 2008 are expected to live, on average, 3 years, 2 months and 12 days more than the ones born in 1998. In 2008...

News Agency

The biggest influence on the July´s IPP came from petroleum products - Photo: Andre Motta de Souza/Petrobras Agency The industrial prices rose 1.31% between October and November, a figure below the rise registered in October (2.26%). The cumulative index in the year hit 28.36% and, in 12 months, 28.86%,...

News Agency

Since 1995, eight states (SP, RJ, MG, RS, PR, BA, SC and DF) have maintained leadership in the participation in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, concentrating almost 80% of economy in 2007. Among major regions, the participation of the Southeast continues to be the greatest, but between...

News Agency

As evidence that the interrelation between airlinks and urban hierarchy reinforces the hegemony of big cities over time, a new study by IBGE shows that São Paulo is the most central spot of the air network in the Brazilian territory, accordingly to its demography, its economic role and its position among global...

News Agency

According to information taken from IBGE’s Quarterly National Accounts1, the GDP rate was a consequence of the 4.8% rise of value added at basic prices and of the 9.1% rise of excise tax. GDP per capita2 in real terms increased by 4.0% compared to the figure in 2006, and reached R$ 13,515.00. The table...

News Agency

From 2002 to 2010, the Central-West (0.5 p.p.), Northeast (0.5 p.p.) and North regions (0.6 p.p.) increased their contributions to the GDP,... From 2002 to 2010, the Central-West (0.5 p.p.), Northeast (0.5 p.p.) and North regions (0.6 p.p.) increased their contributions to the GDP, whereas the Southeast...

News Agency

The value of the GDP at market prices, for the year 2004 reached R$ 1.8 trillion, being R$ 1.6 trillion referent to the Value Added at basic prices and R$ 185.1 billions relative to Taxes on Products The value of the GDP at market prices, for the year 2004 reached R$ 1.8 trillion, being R$ 1.6 trillion...

News Agency

In 2012, the number of high-growth enterprises - those enterprises that increased the number of employees at least 20% a year for three consecutive years and counted with at least 10 salaried employed persons in the first year of observation - added up to 35,206. They were equivalent to 0.8% of the total...