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Showing 3061 - 3080 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

In December, the results of the industrial production in regional level were considerably positive. In relation to the index of the year 2004, the 14 investigated areas presented growth. The highest rate remained with the industry of Amazonas (13.0%), boasted mainly by the group electronic material and...

News Agency

In November, the industrial production remains for the fourth consecutive month presenting expansion in all the investigated locations, according to the different comparisons. In the comparison with November 2003, the highlight was the growth recorded in Bahia (30.5%), boasted mainly by the positive...

News Agency

Biggest economy in the country, São Paulo once more increases its share in national GDP - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency Twelve states and the Federal Districy rcorded an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019, above the national average of 1.2%. Tocantins recorded the biggest increase...

News Agency

Between 1999 and 2006, the number of municipalities which have a local Internet provider increased by 178%, and the number of municipalities which have higher education institutions increased by 103.1%. Between 1999 and 2006, the number of municipalities which have a local Internet provider increased...

News Agency

Sales in hypermarkets and supermarkets dropped 1.5% in September - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency Volume of sales of the retail trade in Brazil retreated 1.3% in September compared with the previous month, representing the second consecutive drop after the highest rise in the year in July, when...

News Agency

Prices of food, such as milk, had an impact on industry inflation in 2020 - Photo: Gilson Abreu/AEN-Paraná In 2020, industry prices rose 19.40%, biggest increase since 2014 and 3.6 times above the annual average of 5.36% between 2014 and 2019. In December, the change was of 0.41% against November, the...

News Agency

In-person services had an impact on the rise in GDP - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 1.2% in the second quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter. It is the fourth consecutive positive result of the indicator after the 0.3% decrease in the second...

News Agency

The contributions of São Paulo (11,.9%), Rio de Janeiro (5.4%), Brasília (3.8%), Belo Horizonte (1.4%) and Curitiba (1.4%), together... The contributions of São Paulo (11,.9%), Rio de Janeiro (5.4%), Brasília (3.8%), Belo Horizonte (1.4%) and Curitiba (1.4%), together, accounted for about one fourth...

News Agency

Although the legislation allow children to work as apprentices only after 14 years of age, a total of 1.4 million children aged 5 – 13 were working in 2006, most of them in non-paid agricultural activities – a scenario which has remained practically unchanged between 2004 and 2006. PNAD 2006 showed that...

News Agency

In September 2009, Brazilian industrial production increased by 0.8% in relation to August, with 12 of the 14 surveyed areas recording increase. Above the national index were: Espírito Santo (3.3%), Goiás (2.4%), Ceará (2.1%), the Northeast region (1.8%), Santa Catarina (1.7%), Minas Gerais (1.4%) and...

News Agency

The rise in the price of pharmaceuticals impacted the index registered in April - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency Pressed by the rise in the prices of pharmaceuticals, the inflation stayed at 0.31% in April, below that registered in March (0.93%). As a result, the index accrues a rise of 2.37%...

News Agency

Delay in soybean planting caused damage to the second crop of corn, now with a drop in the 2021 estimate - Photo: Jonas Oliveira/AEN-PR The Brazilian Harvest of grains, cereals and oilseeds is expected to reach a record 258.5 million metric tons in 2021, according to the June estimate of the Systematic...

News Agency

In relation to the previous month, in the series seasonally adjusted, the industrial production had a generalized decrease. Espírito Santo (-17.2%) Minas Gerais (-13.4%) Rio Grande do Sul (-7.2%) and Amazonas (-7.8%) recorded decreases more significant than the national average (-5.2%). In relation to...

News Agency

The number of families with household income per capita of up to ½ a minimum wage fell from 32.4% to 22.6%, in ten years. However, in 2008, half of the Brazilian families still live on less than R$ 415 per capita. Over half of the women without partners and all the persons with children under 16 years...

News Agency

Atlas shows the impacts of uneven and not-equally distributed sanitation in the country - Art: Helga Szpiz/IBGE News Agency Despite the advance in the control of Diseases Related to Poor Environmental Sanitation (DRSAI), they were responsible for about 0.9% of all the deaths occurred in Brazil between...

News Agency

The rate of technological innovation of the Brazilian industry changed from 31.5% to 33.3% between 2001 and 2003. Between 1998 and 2000 there was predominance of innovations already in progress, whereas innovation in both processes and products occurred between 2001 and 2003. The rate of technological...

News Agency

In 65.2% of the 51,8 million private Brazilian households there was food security. Among the 18 million with food insecurity, 3, 4 million were classified as being under serious conditions of food insecurity - 1. 6 million of these households were in the Northeast Region. Of the 14 million persons living...

News Agency

Price rise in soybean products played an important part in August's IPP high - Photo: AEN/PR Industry prices rose 3.28% in August compared to July, the highest increase since January 2014, the beginning of the time series of the Producer Price Index (IPP). The result, released today (29) by the IBGE,...

News Agency

In November, the regional production of industry had a scenario of positive results in eight among 14 surveyed areas. In the comparison with November 2004, the highlight was the increase registered by Pernambuco (12.3%). The industries of Rio de Janeiro (4.0%), Minas Gerais (3.8%), Espírito Santo (1.5%),...

News Agency

Errata: The news reported that the drop in retail sales in August interrupted four months of highs. The information is incorrect, as the sector shrank 1.1% in June. Sector of other personal and household articles, which includes department stores, dropped 16.0% after July's high - Photo: Alerrandre Barros/IBGE...