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Showing 3221 - 3240 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

The IBGE is carrying out today (24) the 2022 Census National Test in the Quilombo of Campinho da Independência, in Paraty, in the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro. After intensive consultation work with quilombola leaders, the test will evaluate specific sanitary protocols, standards of conduct and...

News Agency

Gasoline deflation was registered in all the 16 areas surveyed in April - Tony Winston/Brasilia Local Branch With a decrease of 9.59% in fuels prices, deflation in the country was 0.31% in April, after recording 0.07% in March. The result is the lowest monthly change since August 1998, when it reached...

News Agency

Released today by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction - Sinapi closed 2018 with a rise of 4.41%, standing above that registered in 2017 (3.82%). The monthly change for December was 0.22%. In the cumulative indexes in 2018, the prices of materials increased 6.30% and the labor force rose...

News Agency

The rise of 2.25% in medicines reflected the annual adjustment, in force since March 31 - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency Influenced by the rise in medicine prices, the inflation reached 0.57% in April, according to the Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA, released today by the IBGE....

News Agency

Released today by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction - Sinapi registered the highest change in the Northeast (0.44%) in February, compared with the previous month. The North Region, on its turn, recorded the lowest change in the month: 0.17%. In Brazil, the index changed 0.30%, slightly...

News Agency

Sector of food products shrank 1.3% in September - Photo: Ari Dias / AEN-PR Industrial production fell 0.4 from August to September. It is the fourth drop in a row, accumulating a loss of 2.6% in the period. As a result, the industry stands 3.2% below the level of February 2020, in the pre-pandemic scenario,...

News Agency

Hypermarket and supermarket sales skyrocket 14.6% and prevent a larger drop in retail - Photo: Eduardo Peret/IBGE News Agency According to the Monthly Survey of Trade - PMC released today (13) by the IBGE, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic can be seen in March with the drop of 2.5% in the sales of...

News Agency

Tomatoes' prices almost 19% up in Ocotber - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency The price rise in food and airfare put October inflation under pressure, accelerating it to 0.86%, above the rate registered in September (0.64%). This is the highest result for a October since 2002, when the indicator...

News Agency

Unemployed population adds up to 14.4 million in the quarter ended in February - Photo: Marinho Ramos/Semcom - Manaus The unemployed population in Brazil was estimated at 14.4 million in the quarter ended in February, the largest amount since 2012 - starting point of the time series of the Continuous...

News Agency

The IBGE will release tomorrow (05/11) a new edition of the Producer Price Index (IPP), this time relative to September. That will be the first release of the survey with detailed information, in a total 23 new series. With this change, the IPP will have groups data at a three-digit level in the National...

News Agency

Motor vehicles drive high in industrial production - Photo: Brian Snelson / Wikimedia The national industrial production had a positive change of 0.3% in September over August. It is the second month in a row of growth, leveraged mainly by the production of motor vehicles, with a high of 4.3%. The data...

News Agency

The journalist presented the result of nearly three years of interviews, trips and data analyses - Photo: Álvaro Vasconcellos/IBGE Journalist Miriam Leitão gave a lecture, yesterday (11), at the inaugural class of the Doctoral and Master's Program of Population, Territory and Public Statistics, at the National...

News Agency

In 2019, retail employed 74.2% of the 10.2 million workers in commercial activities - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency Between 2010 and 2019, trade lost 177.3 thousand companies (-11%), 466.1 thousand workers (-4.4%) and 140.6 thousand shops (-8.1%). Retail, responsible for 74.2% of the persons...

News Agency

Cargo transportation is the activity that generates more revenue in the services sector - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The number of employed persons in the services sector increased 2.1% in 2019, totaling 12.8 million persons 269.9 thousand more persons than in 2018. Despite the increase of...

News Agency

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi), released today by the IBGE, recorded a change of 0.24% in November, a result below the 0.43% registered in Ocotber. In the cumulative index of the year, o the result was 4.18%. With less than a month to go before the end of the year, construction prices...

News Agency

Data from the Regional Accounts, relreased today by the IBGE, sowed that the decrease of GDP in 2016, against the previous year, was observed in 25 states. The only one recording a postive change was Roraima, with 0.2% of increase, whereas the Federal District remained stable, with 0.0%. According to...

News Agency

Families began to eat more away from home in rural areas, though habit is bigger in urban sector - Photo: IBGE Archive Eating away from home is becoming an option for more and more persons. Of the total expenditures of the Brazilian households with food, nearly one third (32.8%) is dedicated to meals...

News Agency

Construction and trade reported the highest incidence of negative effects in the fortnight - Photo: Acácio Pinheiro/Agência Brasília In the second half of August, of the 3.4 million enterprises in operation, 33.5% perceived negative impacts caused by the pandemic on their activities. In the previous...

News Agency

Informal work drove growth in employment - Photo: Helena Pontes/IIBGE News Agency The unemployment rate dropped to 12.6% in the third quarter of this year, a reduction of 1.6 percentage points compared to the second quarter. As a result, the number of people looking for a job in the country dropped to...

News Agency

Gasoline prices - up 3.22% - exert biggest single impact on April IPCA-15 - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency After recording a 0.54% high in March, the inflation preview accelerated to 0.72% in April, driven by price increases in the groups Transportation and Food and beverages. This is the highest...