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Showing 3241 - 3260 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

The drop in the revenue of restaurants, hotels and catering pressed the sector of services rendered to families - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The services sector remained stable (-0.2%) in December against November, interrupting six consecutive months of rises. Despite the cumulative gain of...

News Agency

The change recorded by the services sector (-0.3%) in September, in the seasonally-adjusted series, was below July (-0.8%) and August (-1.0%) figures, as a sign of stability against the previous month. “The decrease observed in September, 0.3% was mainly a consequence of the 1.8% decrease in Information...

News Agency

The North Region leads the change of civil construction per square meter registered by the National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI) in September, released today by the IBGE. The area presented a change of 0.66%, more than twice as much as the national index, of 0.27% in the same period. In the year, the...

News Agency

Drop in fule prices pressed the IPCA-15 downward in May - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency Influenced by the drop in fuel prices, the early inflation of May registered -0.59%, the most intense deflation since the beginning of the Real Plan, in July 1994. Having fallen 8.51%, gasoline was the item...

News Agency

Information and communication services, like search engines, leveraged the rise of the sector this year Photo: Pixabay Volume of services increased 1% in 2019, interrupting a sequence of four years without positive results: 2015 (-3.6%), 2016 (-5.0%), 2017 (-2.8%) and 2018 (0%). These are data from the...

News Agency

Nearly 25 million persons work on their own - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The unemployment rate retreated to 14.1% in the second quarter this year, a reduction of 0.6 percentage points in relation to the first quarter. Despite the decrease in the rate, Brazil still adds up to 14.4 million persons...

News Agency

The biggest drop among the activities was registered by Fabric, apparel and footwear (-3.6) - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency After two consecutive months of growth, sales of the retail trade dropped 1.7% between May and June. It was the biggest retraction in the sector this year and the second...

News Agency

Just 17.2% of innovative enterprises replaced fossil fuel energies with renewable sources - Photo - George Campos/USP The implementation of innovations with environmental benefits has been motivated, mainly, by factors related to the image of the enterprises. Among the ones that introduced eco-innovations...

News Agency

The hotel segment led the result of services rendered to families, which are still below pre-pandemic levels - Photo: Brisa Gil Volume of services increased by 1.1% from June to July, fourth positive rate in a row, with a cumulative 5.8% in the period. As a result, the sector is 3.9% above the pre-pandemic...

News Agency

Pandemic has a negative effect on business according to 70% of the active enterprises - Photo: Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil Among the 1.3 million enterprises that had stopped their activities temporarily or permanently in the first half of June, 39.4% reported as a main reason the restrictions imposed by...

News Agency

Construction materials increased 2.96%, especially steel, wood and PVC - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi), released today (9) by the IBGE, rose 1.99% in January compared to December and reached the highest rate in the series with exemption in the...

News Agency

The value of labor force influenced the 0.42% high in the civil construction prices - Photo: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency The National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI), released today by the IBGE, increased 0.42% in January, a result higher than the 0.22% of December 2018. The increase was influenced...

News Agency

Mining sector registered the highest rise and influence on the industrial prices in January - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency Industrial prices rose 3.36% in January 2021 over December 2020. The rate is quite higher than that recorded between November and December (0.39%), and it represents...

News Agency

In 2019, 29.6% of school girls felt that life was not worth living. Photo: Kat Jayne/Pexels Girls, most of the time, have been feeling sadder than boys. And also more worried or feeling that nobody cares for them, or yet that life is not worth living. It is what the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE)...

News Agency

The first output estimate for next year points to a decrease of 0.2% agains the 2018 figure. Nevertheless, the expected 226.7 million metric tons (t) of cereals, legumes and oilseeds make up the third biggest estimate in the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production time series, which started in 1975....

News Agency

The inflation target (IPCA-15), released today by the IBGE, changed by -0.16% in December, versus 0.19% in November. That was the lowest monthly result since July 2017 and the lowest rate for a month of December sincr the start of Plano Real, in. The cumulative rate in the year stayed at 3.86%, below...

News Agency

Industrial production drops in 14 of the 26 subsectors surveyed - Photo: Camila Domingues/Piratini Palace National industrial production recorded a 0.7% decrease in February from the previous month, interrupting a sequence of nine months of increase. the sector is now 13.6% below the record level reached...

News Agency

Sector of motor vehicles influenced decrease in Paraná and in São Paulo - Photo: State Government of São Paulo Industrial production shrank in ten of the 15 anaysed places by the Monthly Survey of Industry (PIM - Regional), from May to June. The main drops were in Paraná (-5.7%) and in Pará (-5.7%)....

News Agency

The inflation forecast of April was of 0.21%. The group within which there is health and personal care had the highest change, 0.69%, and was the one that most had an impact on the result, 0.08 percentage point (pp). The price increases in health insurance (1.06%) and medicines (0.63%) were the main responsible for...

News Agency

The reduction in the price of electricity bills pressed the October´s IPCA downward - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency The inflation in Brazil registered the lowest index for October since 1998. The prices rose 0.10% over September, when they deflated by 0.04%. The rate was 0.45% in October last...