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Showing 3301 - 3320 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

Released today by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction - SINAPI changed 0.45%, standing slightly above the August rate (0.36%). Among the regions, the North registered the highest rise this month: 0.79%. According to Augusto Oliveira, manager of the survey, the regional result was mainly...

News Agency

With a positive change of 0.2% in October compared to September, the industrial sector was influenced mainly by the pharmaceuticals and beverages, which increased production by, respectively, 20.3% and 4.8%. The two activities are in the category of semi-durable and non-durable consumer goods, which...

News Agency

After two months of negative results, the Producer Price Index (IPP) records an advance of 0.31% in August – a figure very much influenced by the sector of petroleum refining and ethanol products, which achieved a change of 6.48% – the highest one in the series started in 2009. The cumulative indicator...

News Agency

Population in strict isolation fell by 2.8 million compared to the previous week - Photo: Diogo Gonçalves/Prefeitura Campo Grande (MT) The number of strictly isolated persons decreased by 2.8 million from the second to the third week of August, from 44.4 to 41.6 million, according to the weekly edition...

News Agency

Food products, responsible for 25% of household expenditure, recorded the main negative resullt in the Extended National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15) of July, with a decrease of 0.14 percentage points. Most of those products got cheaper from June to July: potato (-19.07%), tomato (-8.48%) and fruits...

News Agency

For most activities, low or null effects of Covid-19 surpass negative ones - Photo: Claudio Vieira/PMSJC A total 37.5% of the 3 million enterprises in operation in the second half of July reported negative effects of the novel coronavirus crisis on their businesses. For another 36.3%, there were small...

News Agency

Despite the deceleration, costs of civil construction rose 0.11% in May - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency Released today by the IBGE, the National Index of Civil Construction - Sinapi rose 0.11% in May, a result below the rate of 0.34% in April. This was the lowest rate since November 2016,...

News Agency

Driven by the largest increase in materials (0.67%) registered in 2017, the National Index of Coinstruction (Sinapi), released today by the IBGE, had the second highest increase in the year in November (0.48%). Meanwhile, the cumulative index in the year was 3.64% and in the last 12 months, 4.15%. Only...

News Agency

Informal work pushes employment increase - Photo: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil The number of unemployed persons in Brazil was estimated at 14.3 million in the quarter ended January, biggest number since 2012, start of the time series for the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD),...

News Agency

Electricity rises 2.31% in September and accumulates a high of 11.55% in the year - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency Affected by the eighth consecutive increase in electricity, September's Extended Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15) stood at 0.09%, close to August (0.08%). With this result, the...

News Agency

Industry in Pará grows 5.5% influenced by mining and quarrying - Photo: Agência Vale The national industrial sector increased in 12 of the 15 locations analyzed by the Monthly Survey of Industry (PIM-Regional), from July to August. The result, released today (8) by the IBGE, shows that six areas have...

News Agency

With a hike in January, construction costs hit R$ 1,162.24 by square meter Photo: Pixabay The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi), released today (07) by the IBGE, changed by 0.30% in January, being above the December 2019 rate (0.22%). The indicator measures the national cost of the construction...

News Agency

According to the Monthly Survey of Services, released today by the IBGE, the segment of Transportation and mailing increased 8.4% in October compared with the same month in 2016 and reduced the pace of fall of the services sector, which stayed at 0.3%. The change was -0.8% in relation to September, whereas...

News Agency

First forecast shows that harvest will break a record in 2021, leveraged by soybeans and corn - Photo: Abiove The Brazilian harvest of grains, cereals and legumes should add up to 253.2 million tonnes in 2021, in case the first projection of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA, released...

News Agency

More people on the streets with relaxation of social distancing rules - Photo: Mário Oliveira/SEMCOM Manaus The number of people who did not take any restrictive measures to avoid being infected by the novel coronavirus rose to 5.9 million in the first week of September, reaching the highest level since...

News Agency

With a high in January, industrial production stopped two consecutive months of negative rates - Photo: Portal Brasil Brazilian industrial production grew 0.9% in January, compared to December, according to the Monthly Survey of Industry, released today (10) by the IBGE. The result interrupted two months...

News Agency

Influenced by the average increase of 3.28% in electricity, inflation rose from 0.16% in September to 0.42% in October. The introduction of the red tariff flag this month contributed to accelerate the Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA, released this morning by the IBGE. On the other hand,...

News Agency

Record crop estimate in 2021 is driven by the 5.1% soybean production rise - Photo: Jaelson Lucas / AEN-PR The Brazilian harvest of grains, cereals and legumes should reach 256.8 million metric tons in 2021, according to the second forecast of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA),...

News Agency

More than a billion dozen of eggs were produced in Brazil in Q3 - Photo: Arnaldo Alves/AEN-PR Production of hen eggs reached 1.01 billion dozen in Q3 this year. That is the highest figure in the time series that started in 1987. Increases were recorded against Q3 2019 (3.8%) and Q2 2020 (3.6%). Data...

News Agency

Despite the acquisition decrease, beans are still relevant in the Brazilians' dietary intake - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency Rice and beans, a classic pair in the Brazilian diet, had a considerable reduction in the quantities acquired in household consumption. This is what a historical analysis...