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Showing 3481 - 3500 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

The sertão (*) of Ceará produces much more than one can find at first. The state has gained prominence in livestock, mainly in goat and sheep farming. According to data from the IBGE's Municipal Livestock Production (PPM), Ceará had, in 2016, the fourth biggest herd of goats in the country: 1.13 million...

News Agency

According to the Municipal Agricultural Survey (PAM), released today, from 2015 to 2016 the national output of acai berry increased from 1.0 to 1.1 million metric tons. The IBGE is now investigating acai crops in an agricultural survey for the first time. Results show that Pará was the main producer...

News Agency

Of all types of cancer, prostate cancer is the most frequent (36.9%) among men aged 18 years and over who discovered it in the first diagnosis, according to the National Survey of Health 2013 - PNS, released by the IBGE. Data from the Ministry of Health show that 14,484 men died from this disease in...

News Agency

Color or race statistics produced by the IBGE show that Brazil is still far from becoming a racial democracy. On the average, white persons have the highest salaries, face less unemployment and are the majority among higher-education students, for example. Socioeconomic indicators for the black and brown...

News Agency

Although it was added belatedly to the 1988 Constitution, the right to food is also part of the list of social rights guaranteed by the text, which turned 30 years old in October. The guarantee became part of the Charter in 2010, but the fight against hunger in recent decades was already in line with...

News Agency

Fulfilling the institutional mission of portraying Brazil, the IBGE produced and released more than 200 statistical and geoscientific products in 2017, always pursuing the excellence in the methods and procedures for data collection, processing, storage and dissemination of statistical data. Grounded...

News Agency

Since the 2nd of October, almost 19 thousand enumerators have been visiting agriculture properties all over the country. Their objective is to visit more than 5.3 million agricultural units existing in Brazil, in order to produce an updated portrait of the Brazilian rural sector. Leading the census operation...

News Agency

One of the social rights assured in the Federal Constitution, the protection of childhood arrives at the 30th anniversary of the Magna Carta with important advances, mainly in the fight against child labor. The exploitation of child workforce was strongly reduced, whereas the illegal work of teenagers...

News Agency

Construction of geographic knowledge aimed at recent transformations in the dynamics of municipalities: the new Regional Division of Brazil, released today by the IBGE, updates the view on the territory in order to provide material for the management of public policies, and also for the dissemination...

News Agency

Representatives of statistical agencies from nine countries in Latin America and in the Caribbean have been, since Monday (4/12), of the International Technical Visit for Observation of the Brazilian Census of Agriculture, in Maringá (PR). During the event, up to the 7th of December, the observers will...

News Agency

In order to drill down into consumption, feeding and life quality of Brazilians, the Consumer Expenditure Survey - POF started in June last year to collect data of nearly 75 thousand households spread along 1,900 municipalities in the 27 Federation Units. More than one thousand persons are involved in...

News Agency

On the main city streets and squares and on the beach sand a lot of persons have tiring routines just to make a living: they work long hours, under the sun or in the rain, many times facing the control of municipal agents and the hostility of shopkeepers. Who are they? Street vendors. Many would rather...

News Agency

On muddy and bumpy roads, crossed by cows, some distrustful respondents and angry dogs, census takers of the Census of Agriculture 2017 break into the rural areas of each Brazilian Region in search for information to depict the agricultural sector of the country. And the same goes to Bahia, the Brazilian...

News Agency

The non-existence of coastal areas in nine Brazilian states does not prevent the production and consumption of fish, once we can resort to freshwater fish. The overall output of Brazilian fish farming amounted to 507.12 thousand metric tons in 2016, which means an increase of 4.4% against the previous...


The System of National Accounts - SNA is based on the identity between supply and demand of goods and services. On the demand side, all goods and services produced in an economy are consumed (either as intermediate consumption in the production process or as final consumption by households and governments),...


The System of National Accounts - SNA is based on the identity between supply and demand of goods and services. On the demand side, all goods and services produced in an economy are consumed (either as intermediate consumption in the production process or as final consumption by households and governments),...

News Agency

The eighth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) combines, in its targets, social, economic and environmental realities. Growth is necessary, but with quality of living and no harm to the environment. Cimar Azeredo, a Labor Market expert, works for the IBGE and is responsible for the statistics related...

News Agency

José Sant´Anna Bevilaqua, IBGE´s Director of Information Technology, is completing 50 years in this area in 2018. He undertook different tasks in this period, like programming, system analysis and technical support analysis. Working in the IBGE for 35 years, he witnessed the evolution of Information...

News Agency

Census of Agriculture, Consumer Expenditure Survey - POF, integration of administrative records and creation of a National System of Information. These are the main challenges that the new President of the IBGE, Roberto Olinto Ramos, two months on duty, will face in his administration. Raised in Copacabana...


The Vital Statistics survey gathers information related to live births, marriages, deaths and fetal deaths reported by the Civil Registry Offices of Natural Persons, to legal divorces reported by Family Courts, Forums or Civil Courts, as well as to out-of-court divorces, which, according to Law no. 11,441,...