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Showing 3501 - 3520 of 3774 results for: climate change


The 2017.1 edition shows 73 Metropolitan Areas in Brazil, being Paraíba (12) the state with the biggest number, followed by Santa Catarina (9), Alagoas (8) and Paraná (8). The IBGE revision does not introduce any change in the list of municipalities of the Integrated Development Regions - RIDEs: that...


The 2015.2 edition shows 70 Metropolitan Areas in Brazil, being Paraíba (12) the state with the biggest number, followed by Santa Catarina (11) and Alagoas (8). The current revision of the IBGE includes changes in two Metropolitan Areas: in Paraíba, Complementary Law no. 133 of September 23, 2015 explicitly...


The Consumer Expenditure Surveys (POFs) carried out by the IBGE aim at disclosing information on the composition of families’ expenditure and the living condition of the Brazilian population, including the self-perceived quality of life. Moreover, they generate database for nutritional intake studies....


The 2016.2 edition shows 73 Metropolitan Areas in Brazil, being Paraíba (12) the state with the biggest number, followed by Santa Catarina (9) and Alagoas (8). The current revision introduces the RM of Ribeirão Preto (SP), with 34 municipalities, established by Complementary Law no. 1,290, of July 6,...


The 2014.2 edition shows 66 Metropolitan Areas in Brazil, being Paraíba (12) the state with the biggest number, followed by Santa Catarina (9) and Alagoas (8). The current revision of the IBGE brings changes in the RM of Fortaleza (CE), including the municipalities of Paracuru, Paraipaba, São Luis do...


The 2010 Milton Santos National Atlas of Brazil integrated the geographer’s name, Milton Santos, in its title as provided by Law no. 11,159, of August 2, 2005, which changed the Brazilian National Atlas name released by the IBGE from that date on. This edition maintains the method for the elaboration...


The release of the Sanitation Atlas by the IBGE is a unique opportunity to unveil, in a direct way, the deep regional inequalities existing in this sector that, even today, makes the universalization and improvement of the services of water supply, sewage, waste collection and urban drainage a target...


The 2018.1 edition includes the municipality of Goiana in the RM of Recife, in Pernambuco, according to the Complementary Law no. 382, of January 9, 2018. In Goiás, the RM of Goiânia included the municipality of Santa Bárbara de Goiás and excluded the municipality of Inhumas. In addition, the RIDE of...


The term Legal Amazon was incorporated only in the latest laws, as in the Law no.11.952, of June 25, 2009, and the Forest Code (Law no. 12,651, of May 25, 2012), and it is not explicitly stated in the Laws that defined the Brazilian Amazon for public policy purposes in the previous decades. The use of...


The files now released represent the Digital Municipal Mesh of the Brazilian Political-Administrative Division, according to the political-administrative structure in force on April 30, 2019, the reference date for receiving the territorial changes from state offices in charge of the political-administrative...


Natural capital accounting allows measuring and comparing, over time, the contribution of natural resources and ecosystems to the social and economic aspects of a given territory. It also provides dynamic and standardized statistics for planning and decision making, so that more efficient and sustainable...


Tourism has grown substantially in the last few years as a social and economic phenomenon. As a consequence, the traditional descriptions of this activity, based mainly on the social and cultural aspects of travelers, have been complemented by an economic approach so as to identify and measure the contributions...


The National Atlas of Brazil in its 1992 edition presents a thematic structure that would be replicated in the subsequent edition, covering: Political-Administrative Division, Geology, Relief, Climate, Soils, Water Availability, Vegetation, Fauna, Conservation and Preservation, Population, Infrastructure,...


In 1977, the Regional Division of Brazil gained a spatial aggregate of intermediate level called Mesoregion, defined as a group of Microregions, in a total 86 Mesoregions. This classification into intermediate units had been expected as a future step in the work of the Regional Division that started...


In the middle of the 1960s, the IBGE started to work on a Regional Division of Brazil in order to replace the Physiographic Regions, then considered obsolete in the face of the social, demographic and economic changes observed in the country. The new regional division called Homogeneous Microregions...


Potencial de Agressividade Climática na Amazônia Legal


Potencial de Agressividade Climática na Amazônia Legal

News Agency

O V Workshop sobre o Uso de Big Data para Estatísticas Oficiais foi realizado entre os dias 24 e 28 de junho com o tema “ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Environment and Sustainability) para Indicadores de Mitigação e Adaptação frente às Mudanças Climáticas”. O evento foi organizado pelo Hub Regional...

News Agency

O algodão foi o único produto a apresentar recorde de produção com alta de 9,9% no volume e de 12,5% na área a ser colhida - Foto: Wilson Rodrigues / Governo do Tocantins A safra brasileira de cereais, leguminosas e oleaginosas deve alcançar 296,8 milhões de toneladas de acordo com a estimativa de maio...

News Agency

O algodão foi o único produto a apresentar recorde de produção com alta de 9,4% no volume e 8,5% na área plantada - Foto: Universidade Estadual de Maringá A safra brasileira de cereais, leguminosas e oleaginosas deve alcançar 303,4 milhões de toneladas de acordo com a estimativa de janeiro do Levantamento...