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Showing 821 - 840 of 3774 results for: climate change

News Agency

Air fares rise by 9.02% in December and close 2023 with an increase of 48.11% - Photo:IBGE Archive The inflation preview stood at 0.40% in December, 0.07 percentage points (p.p.) above the figure in November, when the change amounted to 0.33%. The result was mainly driven by Transportation, which rose...

News Agency

In 2022, a total of 29.80 million head of cattle were slaughtered, with an increase of 7.5% from the previous year, after two-years of decrease. As for slaughter of chickens, in the cumulative index of 2022, a total of 6.11 billion were slauhtered, with stability (-1.26 million head) from 2021. The number...

News Agency

With the negative change of 0.1% in the national industry in November 2022 in the seasonally-adjusted series, six out of 15 areas surveyed by the IBGE recorded negative rates, being the more intense in Pará (-5.2%). The other retreats were registered in Pernambuco (-2.0%), Rio Grande do Sul (-1.3%),...

News Agency

Period Rate January 2022 1.18% December 2021 -0.08% Cumulative in the last 12 months 25.51% January 2021 3.55% In January 2022, the industrial prices grew 1.18% over December, above that registered in the comparison between December 2021 and November 2021 (-0.08%). In January, the prices of 18 out of...

News Agency

The Extended National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15) was 0.59% in May, 1.14 percentage points (p.p.) below the April´s rate (1.73%). That was the highest change for May since 2016, when the index had been 0.86%. The cumulative change over the year was 4.93% and, in 12 months, 12.20%, above the rate...

News Agency

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices, calculated by IBGE, changed by 1.4% in terms of the comparison between the first quarter this year and the fourth quarter of 2005, considering a seasonally adjusted series. In relation to Q1 2005, the increase was 3.4%. The rate accumulated in four quarters...

News Agency

The Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) in March rose 1.62%, 0.61 percentage points (pp) above the 1.01% rate in February. This is the biggest change for a month of March since 1994, when the index was 42.75%, in the period before the implementation of the Real. In the year, the IPCA accumulates...

News Agency

The IPCA will survey the price changes of 56 new products and services starting next year - Photo: PxHere Products and services used to measure the official inflation in the country will be updated to keep up with changes in the population's spending habits. From January 2020 on, the Extended National...

News Agency

Food products were those that mostly positively impacted the industrial activity in October - Picture: José Fernando Ogura/AEN-PR The industrial output positively changed 0.3% between September and October, interrupting two consecutive months of drops, a period in which it accumulated a loss of 1.3%....

News Agency

In March 2023, the national industry output increased by 1.1% from February, in the seasonally-adjusted series. Against March 2022, in the seasonally-adjusted series, there was an increase of 0.9%. As a result, the cumulative index in the year reached -0.4%, whereas the cumulative index in 12 months...

News Agency

In relation to Q1 of 2012, GDP grows 0.4% In the comparison with Q1 of the year, the positive highlight was Agriculture and Livestock Farming, with an increase of 4.9% in the volume of the value added. In Services there was a rise of 0.7%, whereas the Industry recorded a drop of 2.5%. Among the Services,...

News Agency

In April 2022 the volume of retail trade sales increased 0.9% from the previous month, in the seasonally adjusted series, fourth increase of this indicator in a row. The quarterly moving average amounted to 1.2%. Period Retail trade (%) Extended retail trade (%) Volume of sales Nominal revenue Volume...

News Agency

In December 2013, the Producer Price index (IPP) recorded a 0.65% change over the previous month, a result which was close to that recorded in the November/13 and October/13 comparison (0.64%). The cumulative indicator in 2013 (and in 12 months, consequently) closed at 5.75%. This index was above the...

News Agency

The unemployment rate in the country in Q1 2023 reached 8.8%, havind increased by 0.9 percentage points (p.p.) from Q4 2022 (7.9%) and with a drop of 2.4 p.p. from the same quarter in 2022 (11.1%). Against the previous quarter, the unemployment rate increased in six of the 27 Federation Units, and remained...

News Agency

Period Rate December/15 -0.32% November/15 -0.42% December/14 0.19% Cumulative in the year 8.84% In September 2015, prices in industry changed -0.32% over the previous month, a higher figure than that of November (-0.42%). The cumulative index in 2015 closed at 8.84%, against 2.66% in December 2014....

News Agency

The Extended National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15) changed 0.69% in June, 0.10 percentage points (p.p.) above the May´s rate (0.59%). The IPCA-E, which is the cumulative IPCA-15 in the quarter, changed 3.04%, above the rate of 1.88% of the same period in 2021. In the year, the IPCA-15 accumulated...

News Agency

The Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA stayed at 1.01% in February, 0.47 percentage points above the rate registered in January (0.54%). That was the highest change for February since 2015, when the index had been 1.22%. The indicator recorded an increase of 1.56% in the year and of 10.54%...

News Agency

The Extended National Consumer Price Index 15 (IPCA-15) was 1.73% in April, standing 0.78 percentage points (p.p.) above the March´s rate (0.95%). This was the highest monthly change of this indicator since February 2003 (2.19%) and the highest change for April since 1995, when the index had been 1.95%....

News Agency

Despite the drop in output in Rio Grande do Sul, increased in Paraná and in Mato Grosso may add to a record soybean harvest - Photo: Jaelson Lucas/AEN-PR The Brazilian harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is expected to reach a record 299.7 million tonnes in 2023, according to the March estimate...

News Agency

Output increased 1.7 million metric tons agains May figure and area increased 117.4 thousand hectares (0.2%). June estimate for 2017 240.3 million metric tons June/July 2017 change 0.7 % (1.7 million metric tons) Change 2017 / 2016 harvest 30.1 % (55.6 million metric tons The June estimate for the 2017...