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Economic Statistics

IBGE begins to release thematic modules of Continuous PNAD

October 17, 2017 03h17 PM | Last Updated: October 17, 2017 04h38 PM

The IBGE releases tomorrow, October 18, the Additional Characteristics of the Labor Market 2012-2016 publication, the first thematic module of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - PNADC.

The survey brings detailed information on joining unions, work shifts, labor and production cooperatives, registration in the National Directory of Legal Entities - CNPJ and size of enterprises, with data disaggregated by sex and Major Region.

"Today, the PNADC has two major goals: to become a short-term survey on workforce and also to produce thematic modules with structural information", explains Cimar Azeredo, the IBGE´s Coordinator of Labor and Income. "Today, we work with the same concept in every survey, in line with the international recommendations", says the Coordinator.

This effort also aims at improving the representativeness of the survey, increasing the number of places in the investigation and improving the quality of the data being produced. For example, the former IBGE´s Monthly Survey of Employment - PME was restricted to six metropolitan areas (Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo), in 145 municipalities. The former PNAD visited 140 thousand households per year, in about 1,100 municipalities. Today, PNADC collects data from 70 thousand households per month, or 211 thousand per quarter, spread over nearly 3,500 municipalities.

The IBGE will disclose more three thematic modules up to December 2017: earnings, child labor and education. Other subjects, like entrepreneurship and use of cars in households, are also being assessed and eventually will have their own modules.

"PNADC is one of the most important surveys in Brazil, the first one to provide national information on the labor market", states the Coordinator. In the video below, Cimar Azeredo talks more about this new phase in the dissemination of this survey:

Text: Rodrigo Paradella
Image: IBGE Archives
Video: Mônica Marli, Licia Rubinstein and Juney Freire (trainee)