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2023 in review: a year of improvement for SES/SC

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1 mapa nuvem de palavras

Words that marked the work of SES/SC servants, in the same colors as those in the state flag


It is no surprise every year is a source of challenges and improvements, but 2023 was a special one for the IBGE in this respect. The highlights were the conclusion of the 2022 Population Census and the release of the first results, an activity that did not affect the surveys in progress then. The IBGE superintendent in the state of Santa Catarina (SC) Roberto Kern Gomes, reports: “We can say that was a period of hard work, learning and improvement. Most of our servants had never worked in a Population Census, and Continuous PNAD was being conducted at the same time. In spite of that, they’ve found a way to stand out and that is visible in the results we have accomplished.” 

See the main actions conducted by SES/SC

Throughout the first semester, efforts were focused on the conclusion of the 2022 Population Census. Although SC had undertaken activities intensively and stood out above the national average regarding productivity, with 92.3% of the enumerated population on February 28th (according to the December 28th report), the figures of resident population in Favelas and Condos were still far from expected. The data collection operation went on in order to reduce refusals and expand enumeration coverage, being mainly aimed at those localities.



On January 5th we reinforced dissemination since the 2022 PC had not finished yet. The IBGE made available a Call the Census service at number 137 for the entire. At the time, of the 295 municipalities of the state, 134 had exceeded 100% of the estimated population; 82 were close to the state average, between 90% and 100%; and 52, below 90%. As for coverage of area in SC, the IBGE had enumerated 2.76 million housing units, 16.4% more than the estimated 2.37 million.



Release of Vital Statistics, which presented mortality data in 2021, second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, and of births, marriages and divorces in the period. The survey recorded the biggest increase in deaths in the time series, a representation of the reality in SC, which went from the 25th to the fourth position in the country.



By means of the partnership with Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), with easy access and guides accompanying the enumerators, the SES/SC intensified data collection and joined the national campaign Favela on the Map. The dissemination action took place in Favela da Grota, in Monte Cristo neighborhood, in Florianópolis.

2 Gif Favela

Favela on the Map: SES/SC promotes Census day at Favela da Grota, in the Monte Cristo neighborhood


- Participation in the Global Seminar of UN Statistical Institutes, which gathered representatives of 190 countries in Nova York: C2022 Population Census is discussed in UN Meeting – 06/03/2023 (TV news Bom dia SC, NSC-TV, an affiliated company of Globo television station)



NIn the following month, for the action Condos on the Map, SES/SC selected the Pedra Branca neighborhood, in Palhoça, in Grande Florianópolis, where the most critical indexes had been identified. The IBGE set up a stand and three data collection sports were established for an enumeration area consisting of three condos. On a single day the team managed to hit the target set of weeks, besides having been granted access to building doors. The action received support from the media, the city government and of civil servants who handed out leaflets at the location and its surroundings.

3 Condomnios

Condos on the Map is an aid for enumerators to reach residents of Passeio Pedra Branca, in Grande Florianópolis

At the last stage of the 2022 Population Census data collection, still in April, the city of Lages hosted the 3rd Meeting for Census Monitoring, which promoted the Final Sprint for the Population Census. This meeting bore fruit, and in May we reached 7.37 million enumerated residents in the state, having exceeded the 100% of collection considering the estimated population, and only 5% of non-response in all the municipalities and data collection. The number of clusters above with more than 5% of non-response fell from 72 to three.

5 Arrancada Final Lages

State meetings reinforced; Data collection balances and Repacs became part of the work’s routine. Data collection Census in SC exceeds 100% of the estimated population

In June, the acting president of the IBGE at the time, Cimar Azeredo Pereira, visited SES/SC, together with the technical manager for the Census, Luciano Tavares Duarte and by the director of geosciences, Cláudio Stenner. Shortly before the release of the first Census results, the entourage was welcomed at the auditorium of the Center for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH) of UFSC by rector Irineu de Sousa, the CFH director, professor Alex Degan, and the head of the Graduate Program in Sociology and Political Science at the UFSC, professor Julian Borba. In the 2022 PC Seminar for one day, the visiting team presented to the community the innovations and challenges of the Census and highlighted the existence of new dissemination possibilities and of some works since the start of the operation:

(1) the creation of PNAD Covid to aproveitamento do pessoal contratado;

(2) legal difficulties in hiring and amendments aimed at the hiring needs in this Census edition;

(3) the importance of establishing partnerships with institutions such as Cufa, ABC, Unfpa, ILO, Acnur, IOM and Unicef;

(4) creation of the Interactive Geographic Platform, with a better identification of Riverside populations resulting from the improvement of high-resolution satellite images;

(5) the advance of the surveys of household surroundings, the list of addresses and the population in subnormal clusters, traditional peoples and communities;

(6) improvement of the concept of improvised housing unit, which allowed counting of the homeless population in this Census, a starting point for the production of that about this population.

 61 Seminrio Censo UFSC

The IBGE ,national representatives visit UFSC and present innovations and challenges of the Census to researchers and the academic community

We took the opportunity to celebrate the 87th anniversary of the IBGE. The event was marked by a clarification session, expressions of gratitude and homage paying. Approximately 140 servants from the IBGE in gathered at the auditorium lent by the SC Court of Justice for the Anniversary ceremony. And the conclusion of the 2022 PC. Attendees mentioned the relevance of the Census process, with reports presented every month, and a special thank you was given to those who went to other states in order to help location in more difficulty. At the end, the IBGE paid special homage to servants for their professional dedication.

7 aniversrio 87 anos

SES/SC celebrates IBGE’s 87th anniversary and pays homage to servants for the years dedicated to the Institute


- 2022 PC: First results. On June 28th, SES/SC released the first Results of the 2022 Population Census in the state – total population and housing units up to municipal level.



- 2022 PC: Release of the Census of Quilombolas in Santa Catarina 

8 Quilombola

Enumeration in the quilombola territory Vidal Martins, in São João do Rio Vermelho, Florianópolis

- 2022 PC: Release of the Census of the Indigenous Population in Santa Catarina 

9 Indgena

Enumeration in Yvyrupa, Guarani territory in Palhoça

- Change of address of the agency in the capital to the building of the Ministry of Health superintendency

Despite the end of data collection for the 2022 PC and the start of the release of results, work was nonstop in the second semester. In August, SES/SC established the Technical Cooperation Agreement with the government of Santa Catarina aiming at the improvement of regulations and procedures for the consolidation of the political-administrative division of municipalities in the state.

10 acordo estado

Technical Cooperation Agreement is signed by the IBGE and the State Government of Santa Catarina



The month of September was hectic. In partnership with the company of Agricutural Survey – SC Extension (EPAGRI/SC), we released national results of PAM 2022. We also attended Comac-SC, an event event promoted by the Federation of Consortiums, Municipality Associations and Municipalities of Santa Catarina (Fecam-SC), releasing results of the 2022 PC. In the same month, Munic went into the field and we were happy to be informed an enumerator from our state, Aline Romaniv, had been awarded third prize in the 2022 Population Census Photo Award, under the category “Housing”.

montagem premio

Aline Romaniv, enumerator from São Bento do Sul, at Planalto Norte in SC, 3rd prize in the Housing category of the Photo Award



- 2022 PC: Release of data on Sex and Age of the population in Santa Catarina

In October we participated in the International Seminar promoted by the Latin America Network, with the topic “Climate, Water and Soil” ad we presented the Census results released so far in a meeting with the Municipal Commission of Roads, Public Constructions and Urban Planning of Florianópolis

12 Gif Seminrio Internacional

IBGE strengthens ties with foreign institutions in International Seminar of academic interchange.. SES/SC releases Census in municipal, state and international events


- Release of the PNDS in a press conference and the presence of the state superintendent of the Ministry of Health, Sylvio da Costa Júnior. Other important surveys also went into the field with technological innovations. The PNDS, conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Health, investigated, for the first time, issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation, besides the sensitive topic of domestic violence.

13 Gif Lanamento PNDS

SES/SC receives state superintendent of the Ministry of Health in a press conference


In this same month, SES/SC was one of the superintendencies to conduct the test of the prototype for the 9th edition of the Geographic School Atlas with teachers and students of Primary and High School in the Getúlio Vargas Basic Education School, in Saco dos Limões, in Florianópolis and in Colégio Salesiano Itajaí, located downtown.

14 Atlas

Test of the 9th edition of the Geographic School Atlas in a public and a private school in SC



PeNSE , which had been last conducted in 2019, started to be prepared for the 2024 edition by means of a cognitive test . In Florianópolis, the test was administered to students of Instituto Estadual de Educação (State Education Institute), Escola Básica Professor Laércio Caldeira de Andrada Basic School Professor Laércio Caldeira de Andrada), in São José and Escola Municipal Domingos José Machado (Municipal School Domingos José Machado) , in Ilhota.

15 pense d

PeNSE cognitive test in SC administered to 109 teenagers and includes the biggest school in Latin America, Instituto Estadual de Educação (State Education Institute)

- After the training in October, national coordinators of PNDS visited SES/SC to monitor the ongoing survey


Associate director of DPE at the time observes data collection for the PNDS



- Change of address of the Blumenau branch, which now shares a building with the State Superintendency of Labor and Employment (SRTE).  

- 2022 PC: Release of information on Color or Race of the population in Santa Catarina

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The activities in the year were concluded with the Meeting of Branch directors and Superintendency leaders, held in the auditorium of SES/SC in the beginning of December. That was the moment for each department to revisit the activities conducted in the year and present them to Branch directors together with prospects for year 2024. It was also an opportunity to exchange experiences, listen to demands from the data collection teams and get to know different work realities.  

18 Encerramento

SES/SC celebrates targets met in 2023 and plans actions for 2024 in a Meeting with its leaderships at the Florianópolis headquarters


In his annual evaluation, the IBGE superintendent in Santa Catarina, Roberto Kern Gomes, states: “Due to each person’s effort, we succeeded in our mission of portraying Brazil. Together, all of us servants, hired on a permanent or temporary basis, had a 2023 full of cooperation, respect and participation, and that made us even stronger and brough us to the end of this year feeling a sense of accomplishment.”