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In a meeting, Secretariat of Education of Roraima assures logistics support, awareness of directors and dissemination of PeNSE in the state

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 The fifth edition of the National Survey of School Health (PeNSE) was discussed in a meeting last Thursday, 11, at the headquarters of the State Secretariat of Education and Sports of Roraima (SEED).

In the meeting, IBGE representatives presented PeNSE, a survey focused on the investigation of risk and health protection factors of teenagers, aimed at guiding public actions and policies towards this audience.

The last edition of the survey was carried out in 2019. “For example, this new edition of PeNSE will allow to compare the reality of teenagers before and after the Covid-19 pandemic,” noticed Nagib Lima, coordinator of the survey in the IBGE State Superintendence in Roraima.

In Roraima, the fifth edition of PeNSE will involve students from 197 classes from the 7th to the 9th year of primary school and from the 1st to the 3rd year of secondary school from 90 public and private schools, of which 29 are indigenous schools.

Semaias Alexandre, Deputy Secretary at SEED, committed to carry out meetings with all directors of indigenous schools and schools in the interior and in the capital to disseminate and raise awareness of the importance of the survey.

SEED also assured logistics support to access farther schools, like those located in Low Branco River. “We will do anything so that the survey in Roraima is a success,” said the secretary.

In addition to Nagib Lima, Liezer Pino, Coordinator of Information Dissemination, and Joana Darc, an analyst, took part in the meeting.

Indigenous leaders assure support as well

In addition to the meeting at SEED, the IBGE representatives also met all regional coordinators of indigenous areas.

“These coordinators will help to mobilize the directors of indigenous schools, as well as to plan the access to these schools, taking into account the areas difficult to access in Roraima,” said Nagib Lima.

According to Lima, the regional coordinators will also raise awareness of the tuxauas - political leaders of indigenous peoples - on the importance of PeNSE and follow up the survey in indigenous schools.

PeNSE is carried out in partnership with the ministries of Health and Education and is supported by the state and municipal secretariats of Health and Education.