Representatives of the IBGE Superintendence in Amapá (SES-AP) participated in a meeting with the vice-governor of Amapá, Antônio Pinheiro Teles Júnior, last Thursday (15). The objective of the meeting was to present the latest data from the 2022 Population Census.

Besides being an informational event, the visit was marked by the awarding of a plaque to the Government of Amapá for their cooperation in the 2022 Census.

The plaque was awarded to all the institutiona that helped during the survey by lending rooms to be used as data collection units. The IBGE Superintendent in Amapá, Haroldo Ferreira, highlighted that the cooperation between institution is fundamental for the conclusion of the Census, and he took the opportunity to make a request to public authorities.
“The Government of Amapá, once again, was a major partner of the IBGE during the Census. A survey such as the Census is almost a war operation. We have to visit hard-to-reach localities. And it is impossible to succedd in that without support. So we hope all the data collected will be well used by public agents for planning by the government.”
The vice governor mentioned the work of the IBGE in the conclusion of the steps of the 2022 Census and highlighted the importance of the survey for different segments of society.
“The IBGE did a great job in the 2022 Census survey. That is an important source if information for us to know more about the geography and the society of Amapá. The 2022 Census will be an essential basis for scholars, but also a source used in the formulation of public policies,” said the vice governor.
Besides the Government of Amapá, the following institutions were awarded by the IBGE:
1 | Municipal Government of Afuá | 12 | Maria Neusa Carmo de Sousa State School |
2 | Municipal Government of Chaves | 13 | Professor Lauro de Carvalho Chaves State School |
3 | Vidal de Negreiros State School | 14 | Embrapa Amapá |
4 | Municipal Government of Calçoene | 15 | Joaquim Nabuc State School |
5 | Municipal Government of Pracuúba | 16 | Municipal Government of Serra do Navio |
6 | Sebrae Tartarugalzinho | 17 | Municipal Government of Pedra Branca do Amapári |
7 | Federal Institute of Amapá - Campus Laranjal do Jari | 18 | Municipal Government of Ferreira Gomes |
8 | Municipal Government of Vitória do Jari | 19 | Municipal Government of Porto Grande |
9 | Municipal Government of Cutias | 20 | Municipal Government of Mazagão |
10 | Municipal Health Council of Itaubal | 21 | Municipal Government of Santana |
11 | Regional Superintendence of Incra in Amapá | 22 | Regional Department of Senac Amapá |
The IBGE State Superintendence in Amapá thanked the servant Marconi Edson Uchôa, Operations Coordinator for the 2022 Census, for his dedication to this activity.