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SIDRA for all ages: SES/BA presents system to students from UFBA and College for the Elderly

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A repository for data of almost Every survey released by the IBGE in the last few years, the IBGE’s System of Automatic Retrieval (SIDRA) is a tool of fundamental importance to help the external community, including professors and researchers, access information produced by the Institute.

Aware of this relevant role, the Data Dissemination Department (SDI), linked to the IBGE’s Superintendency in Bahia  (SES/BA) held, in April, two training workshops on the platform,  each session aimed at a specific audience: students from the Federal University of (UFBA) and from Graça Sena College for the Elderly (Faculdade da Maturidade, in Portuguese).

Gabriel Ferreira, from the SDI, makes a presentation about SIDRA

Census data presented to researchers in collective health

On April 3, the SIDRA system was presented to about 15 students from master’s and doctoral programs from the Collective Health Institute of the Federal University of Bahia (ISC/UFBA), having as a reference the 2022 Census data already available.

Speakers were Gabriel Ferreira and Mariana Vieiros, from SDI/BA, in compliance to a request by professor Cleber Cremonese. “Our interest  is to have good denominators that allow the calculation of coefficients, rates, prevalence figures, etc. We also intend to find ways to identify houses with access to basic sanitation.”

Mariana Viveiros makes presentation about SIDRA at ISC/UFBA

Interested in find detailed information at territory level in order to define their own levels of geography, students from the ISC also had the opportunity to find out more about and explore the 2022 Census Overview, especially with regard to the areas of maps, indicators and downloads.

Many participants left the training workshop having basic knowledge and familiar with strategies to find useful data for their researches, while other students are still expecting to see what is coming in future releases of the 2022 Census.

Data on the elderly population stood out in session with students from the College for the Elderly 

The second training session on SIDRA took place on April 23, and was aimed at students from Graça Sena College for the Elderly. The IBGE was invited to organize the training by Maria Isabel Carvalho, Creator of the “Inventiveness” collective Project, who works in the field of elderly rights.

The activity was conducted at the headquarters of Instituto Reparação, at Praça da Sé, downtown Salvador. Maria Isabel is a collaborator with this organization, which promoted actions to combat racial inequalities.

Gabriel Ferreira gives training on SIDRA to students from College for the Elderly

According to Maria Isabel Carvalho, the invitation to the IBGE was made after a lecture delivered by Gabriel Ferreira, in the III Gerontology Congress, promoted by the College for the Elderly: “I was happy to find out the IBGE promotes training on how to use its tables, because it was quite difficult for me to treat data on the elderly population.”

Together with Census analyst Heitor Montes, Gabriel taught the students how to access SIDRA and generate tables from the latest Census with population data by color or race, besides showing other IBGE channels, such as the 2022 Census Overview and Cities IBGE.

This first training was so successful that a new session has been scheduled for May 7th, when tables from other surveys produced by the IBGE, and from other channels, such as IBGEeduca, will be presented.