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Watch the live broadcast of the Semiannual PINTEC: Environmental practices and biotechnology

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The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release, on September 18, at 10 am, the BSemiannual Survey of Innovation (PINTEC) 2023: Thematic indicators - Environmental practices and biotechnology. The event, which will be held at Casa Brasil IBGE, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), will also be broadcast on the Institute's official social networks (YoutubeInstagramFacebook and Tiktok). The IBGE had a partnership with the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) to conduct the survey.

This edition of Semiannual Pintec, relative to the first half of 2023, brings results on the adoption and dissemination of environmental practices and initiatives carried out in the production processes of industrial companies. The Semiannual PINTEC aims at developing sectoral and national indicators of the innovation activities of Brazilian companies with 100 or more employees, with the activities of the mining, quarrying and manufacturing industries as the survey universe.

The survey considers environmental practices to be specific actions carried out within the scope of production processes that generate positive impacts on the material aspects of the organization. Such actions can be both incipient, experimental or non-experimental ventures, as well as consolidated actions and routine activities of companies.

Among the topics covered are: environmental initiatives and practices, such as water use, solid waste, energy efficiency, recycling and reuse, soil use, atmospheric emissions and the benefits and difficulties related to the adoption of environmental practices, public policy instruments that influenced the implementation of environmental practices; and use of biotechnology, that is, if the company carries out any activities that employ or contain living cells or any of their active parts.


Broadcast: Semiannual Survey of Innovation (PINTEC) 2023: Thematic indicators - Environmental practices and biotechnology
Date: September 18 (Wednesday)
Time: 10 am (Brasília time).
Venue: Casa Brasil IBGE, at Palácio da Fazenda, located on 375 Presidente Antônio Carlos Av, ground floor  - Downtown, Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Streaming: Digital IBGE, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook
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