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Microdata update in the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Quarterly edition - Q4 2016
Description: Inclusion of variable V40763 in the microdata of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Quarterly edition - Q4 2016
Actions: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Quarterly dissemination
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the "Complete Publication" (in PDF format) of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - December 2016
Description: Information on tables 1 to 6 referred to November 2016 instead of December 2016.
Actions: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the "Complete publication" (in PDF format) of IBGE Indicators - Monthly Survey of Trade - December 2016
Description: The seasonally-adjusted “month-on-monthr” figures for volume of sales and of nominal sales revenue for "Retail trade" in Brazil, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Sergipe, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Mato Grosso had been rounded incorrectly.
Actions: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Monthly Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the “Complete publication" (in pdf format) of IBGE Indicators – Monthly Survey of Trade – December 2016
Description: The seasonally-adjusted “month-on-monthr” figures for volume of sales and of nominal sales revenue for "Retail trade" in Brazil, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Sergipe, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Mato Grosso had been rounded incorrectly.
Actions: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Monthly Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of vector files in the Map of Land Cover and Use of the state of Pará, at the 1:250,000 scale
Description: The vector map of Land Use and Cover of Pará was released without the proper data on projection, which led to displacement in relation to the other ones in the thematic series of Federation Units, at the 1:250,000 scale. The products was replaced and now presents the correct information: Albers equal area conic projection; standard parallel 1; standard parallel 2: -28°; central meridian -54°; latitude of origin 5°. The datum was kept as in the time of the production, SAD 1969.
Actions: Files replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Land Use and Cover in Brazil
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the PDF publication of the National Survey of Health - 2013 - Access and use of health services, accidents and violent occurrences
Description: Graphs 14 and 15 of the publication had the wrong titles.
Actions: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : National Survey of Health - 2019
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of "Tables 9 to 14" of IBGE indicators - Monthly Survey of Services - October 2016
Description: Errors in tables 9 and 14 of August and September.
Action: File corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : Monthly Survey of Services
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the "SIDRA Tables SIDRA for the Monthly Survey of Trade"
Description: Errors on the SIDRA database: seasonally-adjusted month/previous month volume of sales of "Extended retail trade", "Fuels and lubricants", "Office, computer and communication material and equipment" and month-on-month chages in the seasonally-adjusted volume of sales of "Extended retail trade" and "Office, computer and communication material and equipment".
Actions: Database corrected.
Product : Monthly Survey of Trade
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of the "Tables of resources and uses - Levels 12 and 51" of the System of National Accounts of Brazil
Description: Errors in the value of production of the activity Domestic services 2001 at current prices in the Table of Resources and Uses.
Actions: Files corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.
Product : System of National Accounts - System of National Accounts: Brazil
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of Input-Output Matrix tables - Brazil - 2010
Description: In the input-output matrix file, at one of the three levels, level 67, an error was found in spreadsheets 01 and 02.
Sprewadsheet 01, which contains Table 01 - Resources of goods and services - 2010 had a wrong value in the imports column from line 98 up to line 129. The error occurred because from the line "wholesale and retail trade" on the value of import for the product "skipped a line, causing errors in the others "Total supplay at consumer prices” and e “Total supply at basic prices ”, since both present the value of import of products.
Spreadsheet 02, which contains Table Tabela 02 - Uses of goods and services – 2010 presents an incorrect value in the column of intermediate consumption for the activity 4580 (wholesale and retail trade) in two products:
Wholesale and retail trade (code 45801)
Cargo transportation by lnad (code 49001)
The solution was to replace spreadsheets 01 and 02 of the file “MatInsProd2010_67”
It is worth mentioning that all the other spreadsheets are corrct, that is, their content remains unchanged.
Actions: submission of new file for level 67 (xls and ods formats) with spreadsheets 01 and 02 replaced.
Product : Input-Output Matrix
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of graphs of IBGE Indicators - Monthly Survey of Services 2016
Description: Graphs 5A and 6A displayed cumulative figures in the year and were amended according to the change Month/Same month in the previous year. As a result, all the commentaries relative to the Regional Results for the Services Sector and for Tourism Activities were replaced.
Actions: Files corrected and replaced. A note was included on the page linking to the files.
Product : Monthly Survey of Services
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of file on the IPCA - Results by Subitem, with reference date of October 2016
Description: The file relative to IPCA - Results by Subitem (October 2016) made available on the website at 9:00am was corrupted, preventing proper display of the spreadhseet.
Actions: File replaced on the website at 9:10am.
Product : Extended National Consumer Price Index
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Replacement of Input-Output Matrix tables - Brazil - 2010
Description: Part of Table 02 (Uses of goods and services – 2010), in the three files of the Input-Output Matrix (levels 12, 20 and 67) presents non-updated figures for the components "mixed income" and "gross operating surplus", in the activities: Agriculture and Construction, with differences in relation to what is informed in the System of National Accounts - Brazil - 2010-2013. The choice was to keep Table 02 in the Table of Resources and Uses only, since they are equal and in order not to display repeated information.
Actions: Ommitted information included and file resent.
Product : Input-Output Matrix
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Inversion between states with municipalities with the same name in the Municipal Agricultural Production 2015
Description: Table 9, "Coffee bean - Total - 2015", in the range of 20 municipalities with the biggest output refers to the municipality of Boa Esperança in MG, and not in ES as previously informed.
Actions: Table and text replaced.
Product : Municipal Agricultural Production - Temporary and permanent crops
Department in charge: Directorate of Surveys
Complementation of the nomenclature of the cells of the vector files of the Statistical Grid of the 2010 Census
Description: Complementation of the nomenclature of the cells of the grid, maintaining its statistical content and spatial characteristics unchanged.
Actions: The vector files have been replaced.
Product : Population Census - 2010 Population Census
Department in charge: Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination - CDDI