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Replacement of the database of the Regional Division of Brazil into Immediate and Intermediate Geographic Areas - 2017

Responsável: Directorate of Geosciences
Agrupador Erramos: Regional Divisions of Brazil
Data: 2018-09-11 10:00


Due to the necessary revision of the composition into Geographic Areas of the Regional Division of Brazil for the states of Maranhão and Pernambuco, we have altered the results presented in Map 1, Map 2 and in the Systematic Chart of the Regional Division of Brazil into Immediate and Intermediate Geographic Areas - 2017. In Maranhão, the Immediate Geographic Area of São Luís is now formed by tbe municipalities of São Luís, Alcântara, Raposa, Paço do Lumiar, São José de Ribamar, Rosário, Bacabeira, Santa Rita, Axixá, Cachoeira Grande, Icatu, Morros and Presidente Juscelino. In Pernambuco, the Immediate Geographic Area of Surubim is now formed by the municipalities of Surubim, Casinhas, Santa Maria do Cambucá, Vertentes do Lério, Frei Miguelinho, Vertentes and Taguaritinga do Norte; the municipality of São Bento do Una is included in the RGI of Belo Jardim – Pesqueira, and the municipalities of Escada, Ribeirão, Quipapá, Cortês and Primavera leave the RGI of Recife, with the creation of the RGI of Escada-Ribeirão, which encompasses those same municipalities.

Actions: The data base was corrected and replaced on the IBGE website.