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Statistical Municipal Maps of the Population Estimates
They are the Maps of the Municipalities that had any change in their borders and that supported the Population Estimates. Such redefinition did not occur in all the Brazilian municipalities, that is why maps were not produced for all of them.
The Statistical Municipal Maps of the Population Estimates represent the intra-municipal Political-Administrative Division (districts and sub-districts), inter-municipal and interstate borders, borders of the enumeration areas, planimetric and altimetric elements and hydrography. The maps of the enumeration areas involve the description of their borders, which also contains information on the territorial structures that the enumeration area belongs to.
The population estimates annually produced by the IBGE take into account the up-to-date condition of the Brazilian Political-Administrative Division - DPA. The dynamics of the DPA reflects the changes occurred in the territorial borders of the municipalities, under the scope of the covenants that the IBGE maintains with state offices. The territorial changes occurred since the release of the results of the 2010 Population Census that impacted on the population estimates were due to one of the following factors:
- New legislation changing the descriptions of the municipal borders
- Cartographic adjustments officially informed to the IBGE by state offices
- Installation of new municipalities
- Legal decisions or decision of the IBGE´s Federal Prosecutor´s Office
Unlike the previous factors, it is not the border that is changed in this factor, but rather the population of a given locality is counted in another municipality.
About the publication - 2023
The territorial updates occurred in the municipal borders based on the analyses made, in the scope of the Technical Cooperation Agreements (ACTs) that the IBGE maintains with state offices in charge of the Political-Administrative Division (DPA), considered the deliveries of these offices to the IBGE in the period between May 2021 and July 2022, which were incorporated into the "Digital Municipal Mesh 2023".
The list of the municipalities with changes in their borders can be accessed on the following document: Digital Municipal Mesh and Territorial Areas 2023: Technical and Legal Information for the Use of Published Data, available from:
The table below shows the number of municipalities in each state that updated their borders.
RO | 2 |
CE | 4 |
RN | 13 |
PE | 61 |
AL | 29 |
SE | 7 |
BA | 10 |
MG | 4 |
PR | 7 |
RS | 49 |
MT | 13 |
TOTAL | 199 |
Municipal Maps aim at subsidizing the visualization of the geographic configuration of the borders established by state offices in charge of the Political-Administrative Division, as well as the territorial structures in effect that the IBGE subsidizes field operations of the steps of Data Collection, Compilation, Tabulation, Analysis and Geographical and Statistical Dissemination associated with Household Surveys, Annual Population Estimates and Censuses to comply with the IBGE´s institutional mission, as well as the geographical characterization of the Brazilian territory. Therefore, the IBGE understands that these maps were developed for exclusive use in activities of statistical data collection and tabulation and not to be used for other purposes. The IBGE is not responsible for using it for any other purpose.
The municipal borders represented herein should not be considered demarcations or official characterizations. IBGE Municipal Maps should not be used as legal instruments for the definition, localization, demarcation or public registry of real estate or to define the position of any type of urban equipment, parcel the municipal soil for the administration of the IPTU, TSU, ITBI, ISSQN or any other instrument of fiscal or territorial planning, as well as for the definition, control or ownership of territorial estate or of the subordination of rural or urban properties, master plans, processes of approval or binding allotments, processes of registry, fiscal or socioeconomic administration, pipelines, plants, airports, antennas, petroleum/gas wells, mining areas, wind farms, toll stations, tax offices and any other building or installations of commercial or industrial nature.
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IBGE updates geographic data for Brazilian states and municipalities
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IBGE updates geographic data of Brazilian states and municipalities
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