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Legal Amazon
The Legal Amazon corresponds to the area under the responsibility of the Superintendence of the Amazon Development – SUDAM established by Article 2 of Complementary Law no. 124, of 03/01/2007. The region is formed by the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins and Mato Grosso, and also by the municipalities of the state of Maranhão located west of the 44th meridian. It has an approximate area of 5 217 423 km², which corresponds to about 61% of the Brazilian territory.
About the publication - 2014
The term Legal Amazon was incorporated only in the latest laws, as in the Law no.11.952, of June 25, 2009, and the Forest Code (Law no. 12,651, of May 25, 2012), and it is not explicitly stated in the Laws that defined the Brazilian Amazon for public policy purposes in the previous decades. The use of the adjective “Legal” is due to the necessity of distinguishing the division defined by the Law and the Amazon division defined by the biome and the river basin, as well the International Amazon. The statement of the Legal Amazon region is one of the Union competences, which, as established in the Article 43 of the Federal Constitution, can articulate its activities in the same geoeconomic and social complex, aiming at its development and the a the reduction of social inequalities. Regarding that, the Legal Amazon was established with the purpose of defining the geographic boundaries delimitation of the political region that receives tax incentive to promote its regional development.
The Legal Amazon is divided in two parts: the Western Amazon, which consists of Amazônia, Acre, Rondônia and Roraima, and the Eastern Amazon, which consists, by exclusion, of Pará, Maranhão, Amapá, Tocantins, and Mato Grosso. The Western Amazon was mentioned, for the first time, in Law no. 291, of February 28, 1967, and ratified in oLaw no. 356, of August 15, 1968.
The Legal definition of the Brazilian Amazon has always been associated to the emergence of public agencies and the implementation of governmental agencies. The first definition was in 1953, established by Law 1.806, of June 6, 1953, which created the Superintendency of the Economic Valorization Plan of Amazon (SPVEA) and established its operation area, covering the regions of Pará and Amazonas; the Federal Territories of Acre, Amapá, Guaporé and Rio Branco; and also part of the state of Mato Grosso located at the parallel 16º N, part of the state of Goiás located at the parallel 13º N, and part of the state of Maranhão located at meridian 44º W. It was a geopolitical construction that aimed at defining an area to apply territorial and economic policies including the north side of the Brazilian territory in the country’s socioeconomic structure, to ensure its sovereignty over the whole territory.
In the 1960s, changes in the Brazilian territorial planning led to the SPVEA extinction and its replacement by the Superintendency for the Development of Amazonia – SUDAM, agency which become responsible for the implementation of the Economic Recovery Plan of the Amazon. The wording of Law no. 5,173, of October 27, 1966, however, maintained the Amazon area defined by the Law no. 1,806, of January 06, 1953.
The Amazon area and, consequently, the SUDAM participation remained unchanged until 1977, when the state of Mato Grosso do Sul was created. The Complementary Law no. 31, of October 11, 1977, extended the Amazon boundaries beyond the parallel 16º N, matching the boundaries between the state of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul.
The Legal Amazon boundaries were not changed with the promulgation of the Federal Constitution, which created the state of Tocantins. Those boundaries would just change in 2001, when the Provisional Measure no. 2,146-1, of May 5, 2001, extinguished SUDAM and created the Amazon Development Agency – ADA. The boundary represented in the parallel 13º N, effective until then, was replaced with the boundary between Goiás and Tocantins. The same change was also amended by the Provisional Measure no. 2,157-5, of August 24, 2001. The Complementary Law no. 124, of January 3, 2007, which recreated SUDAM, established, as its operation area, the same area defined in the Provisional Measure no. 2,146-1 and 2,157-5/2001.
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Is the IBGE responsible for the Legal Amazon delimitation?
No. The Legal Amazon was established by Law and the Superintendence of the Amazon Development – SUDAM is responsible for any alteration in its limits.
Why does the IBGE release the Legal Amazon as a geographic subdivision?
The IBGE's aim is to release geographic subdivisions that are relevant for statistical dissemination, planning and for public and private investment. The main objective is the identification of Brazil's political administrative units located in the area defined as Legal Amazon, which require specific management due to their climatic characteristics.
Which is the frequency of Legal Amazon updating?
Legal Amazon, as a legal subdivision, will only have its delimitation updated when there is a legislative or normative update of these subdivisions. There may be updates related to the Territorial Division of Brazil that can impact on the states and municipalities limits and nomenclature.
Where can I obtain more information about the Legal Amazon?
It is possible to get more information on the SUDAM website (, or from studies released by the IBGE, such as the Natural Resources Geostatistics of the Legal Amazon (
What are the legislations regarding the Legal Amazon?
The legislations can be consulted on the SUDAM website (
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Saiba mais
The term Legal Amazon was only incorporated in the most recent legislation, such as Law no. 11,952, of June 25, 2009, and the Forestry Code (Law no. 12,651, of May 25, 2012), and it is not explicitly included in the laws that established the Brazilian Amazon area for the purpose of public policies in the previous decades. The use of the adjective "legal" is to distinguish the division of the Amazon region by biome or river basin established by legislation, as well as of the International Amazon. According to Art. 43 of the Federal Constitution, the Union is in charge of creating the Legal Amazon and can articulate its action in the same social and geoeconomic complex, aiming at its development and at the reduction of regional inequalities. For that matter, the Legal Amazon was established aiming at defining the geographic delimitation of the political region that will attract tax incentives to foster its regional development.
The Legal Amazon is divided into two parts: Western Amazon, comprising the states of Amazonas, Acre, Rondônia and Roraima, and Eastern Amazon, comprising the states of Pará, Maranhão, Amapá, Tocantins and Mato Grosso. The Western Amazon was mentioned for the first time in Decree-Law no. 291, of February 28, 1967, and ratified in Decree-Law no. 356, of August 15, 1968.
The establishment of the Brazilian Amazon area was always associated to the creation of public offices and the implementation of governmental policies. The first definition dates back to 1953, made by Law no. 1,806, of January 6, 1953, which created the Superintendence of the Economic Valorization Plan of the Amazon - SPVEA and established its action area, encompassing the regions comprising the states of Pará and Amazonas, the federal territories of Acre, Amapá, Guaporé and Rio Branco, and also part of the state of Mato Grosso to the north of Parallel 16, part of the state of Goiás to the north of Parallel 13 and part of Maranhão to the west of Meridian 44. It was a geopolitical construction aiming at establishing an area to apply economic and territorial policies to incorporate the north vastness of the Brazilian territory into the socioeconomic fabric, thus assuring the sovereignty over the territory.
In the 1960s, changes in the Brazilian territorial planning led to the extinction of SPVEA and its replacement by the Superintendence for Development of the Amazon - SUDAM, which became in charge of running the Economic Valorization Plan of the Amazon. Nevertheless, the redaction of Law no. 5,173, of October 27, 1966, maintained the Amazon area established by Law no. 1,806, of January 6, 1953.
The Amazon area and, consequently, the action area of SUDAM remained unchanged until 1977, when the state of Mato Grosso do Sul was created. The Complementary Law no. 31, of October 11 1977, extended the border of Amazon beyond Parallel 16, matching the border of the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The limits of the Legal Amazon were not changed with the enactment of the Federal Constitution, which created the state of Tocantins. Those limits were only changed in 2001, when the Provisional Measure no. 2,146-1, of May 4, 2001, extinguished SUDAM and created the Amazon Development Agency - ADA. The limit represented by Parallel 13, in force up to then, was replaced by the border of the states of Goiás and Tocantins. The same redaction was given by Provisional Measure no. 2,157-5, of August 24, 2001. The Complementary Law no. 124, of January 3, 2007, which recreated SUDAM, established as its action area exactly the same defined by Provisional Measures no. 2,146-1 and no. 2,157-5, of 2001.
Legislação relacionada
- Law no. 1,806, of January 6, 1953
Article 2 For the purpose of economic planning and accomplishment of the plan established in this law, the Brazilian Amazon encompasses the region comprising the States of Pará and Amazonas and the federal territories of Acre, Amapá, Guaporé and Rio Branco, as well as part of the State of Mato Grosso to the north of parallel 16o, part of the State of Goiás to the north of parallel 13o and part of the State of Maranhão to the west of meridian 44o. - Law no. 5,173, of October 27, 1966
Article 2 For the purposes of this law, the Amazon encompasses the region comprising the States of Acre, Pará and Amazonas and the Federal Territories of Amapá, Roraima and Rondônia, as well as the areas of the State of Mato Grosso to the north of parallel 16o, of the State of Goiás to the north of parallel 13o and of the State of Maranhão to the west of meridian 44o. - Complementary Law no. 21, of October 11, 1977
Article 45 The Amazon, referred in article 2 of Law no. 5,173, of October 27, 1966, will also encompass the entire area of the State of Mato Grosso. - Provisional Measure no. 2,146-1, of May 4, 2001
Creates the Agencies for the Development of Amazon and of the Northeast, extinguishes the Superintendence for the Development of Amazon (SUDAM) and the Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast (SUDENE), and sets forth other provisions. - Complementary Law no. 124, of January 3, 2007
Establishes, in the form of article 43 of the Federal Constitution, the Superintendence for the Development of Amazon (SUDAM); establishes its composition, legal nature, objectives, area of competence and instruments of action; rules on the Fund for the Development of Amazon (FDA); changes Provisional Measure no. 2,157-5, of August 24, 2001; revokes Complementary Law no. 67, of June 13, 1991; and sets forth other provisions.
- Law no. 1,806, of January 6, 1953