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Technical note on the Continuous PNAD

The IBGE´s Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Continuous PNAD investigates the conditions of the labor market in Brazil based on a sample with more than 210 thousand households, distributed along nearly 3,500 municipalities. On a quarterly basis, this sample is visited by nearly 2 thousand survey agents. The Continuous PNAD raises information on the workers in Brazil, including those without a formal contract.

Aiming at the comparability with other countries, its methodology follows the recommendations of international organizations, especially the International Labor Organization - ILO. The use  of international concepts, classifications and methods by statistical offices by every country fosters the consistency and efficiency of the statistical systems at every official level, according to the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.

The Continuous PNAD follows up the number of unemployed persons in Brazil, i.e., those without a job and looking for one: in February this year, Brazil had 13.1 million persons in this condition. In addition, several forms of underutilization of the workforce are also investigated, a universe with nearly 28 million persons in different fragile situations, including those time-related underemployed and also those who would like to look for a job, but they cannot do it, since they have to take care of children or elderly persons.  Let alone those called discouraged persons, who gave up looking for a job. Brazil had 4.9 million persons in this condition last February.

Those who benefit from the Bolsa Família are specifically portrayed in an annual edition of the Continuous PNAD, which investigates the earnings from all sources. In 2017, this universe encompassed nearly 9.5 million households in Brazil. Those living in these households can be in different conditions in relation to the labor market: unemployed, working for self consumption, out of the workforce or even discouraged.

Aiming at improving its surveys, the IBGE maintains a permanent debate with different segments of the Brazilian society. The IBGE is open to suggestions and permanently available to the government and citizens to clarify its work.

Rio de Janeiro, April 2, 2019

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