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PNAD COVID 19: data will be collected up to December 2020, with results related to November 2020

The IBGE informs that the data of the PNAD COVID 19 survey will be collected until December 11, 2020. As a result, three more releases are scheduled, related to the months of September, October and November 2020.

The phase-out of the survey is related to the initial planning of a survey of temporary nature and to the reduction of the overload on informants. As a survey carried out through a fixed panel of households, the same informants are selected every month to answer the questionnaire, which wears out the interviewees.

In order not to excessively wearing the interviewees out, every five interviews should be followed by an interval, as in the Continuous PNAD, or such fixed panel should ideally last up to 4 months. The PNAD COVID 19 will have completed 7 months of quality compilations by November 2020. The data collection of the PNAD COVID 19 began in the first week of May this year and its results are being weekly and monthly published since June 16, 2020.

The PNAD COVID 19 was developed aiming at measuring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Brazilian labor market and on the total income of the population, as well as to produce information related to the symptoms of flu-like syndrome that could be associated to the disease and to the impact on health establishments. Concerning the highlights, the survey presented relevant results on the prevalence of the positive testing of Covid-19, home office and the role of the emergency aid in the household income.

The IBGE thanks all the employees and informants who, directly or indirectly, contributed to the production and dissemination of this innovative product.


Directorate of Surveys
October 19, 2020


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