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The IBGE will release on November 18, 2020 an additional volume of the National Survey of Health 2019 - Perception of health status, lifestyles, chronic diseases and oral health

Non-communicable chronic diseases - NCDs, as well as their risk and protection factors are the two subjects of this release. NCDs are the biggest and the most challenging health problem today, mainly impacting on the increasing number of premature deaths, loss of life quality and manifestation of disabilities, as well as economically impacting the society and health systems. In general, NCDs share risk factors susceptible to change, like smoking, inappropriate food, insufficient practice of physical activities and alcohol abuse, all of them addressed in this release.

In addition, two other subjects will be released on this date: information on oral health, which is extremely important to design actions to prevent and treat diseases and on self-assessment of health status, a way to assess life conditions of the population.

Directorate of Surveys
October 20, 2020


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