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IBGE will release, on October 10, the publication Geographic Units of Confidentiality of the 2017 Census of Agriculture

The publication Geographic Units of Confidentiality of the 2017 Census of Agriculture presents a new methodology for aggregating collected data for the purpose of making the results available in Specific Geographies, in a way that does not puts at risk the identity of the respondents and maintains the confidentiality of their information. The IBGE follows international standards for confidentiality of statistical information and is aligned with national legislation, which is why it needs to omit certain data in its publications when these pose a risk of disclosure upon the informant.
In order to allow more data to be made available, the Geographic Units of Confidentiality of the 2017 Census of Agriculture (UGCs-CA17) were created, which correspond to the smallest contiguous portion of the Brazilian territory where at least 10 agricultural establishments are located (and a maximum of 25, with a few exceptions). Thus, the smallest unit of data aggregation is no longer the establishment but a group of at least 10 establishments. This minimum unit of aggregation is indivisible, which guarantees the confidentiality of data published in any desired geography, opening up new possibilities for providing information to different segments of society.

Directorate of Geosciences
September 09, 2024

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