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IBGE will release, on October 25, the 2022 Demographic Census: Composition of housing units and reported deaths: Population results

At 10 am on October 25, 2024, the IBGE will release the results of the 2022 Population Census: Composition of housing units and reported deaths: Population results. The release will include information on occupied private housing units, both permanent and improvised, on aspects related to the number of residents, type of housold and type of housing unit, according to the sex, color or race and age group of the household head. The IBGE will also present the number of reported deaths, which occurred between January 2019 and July 2022, of persons who had lived with residents of private housing units.

The results will be available for Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units and Municipalities. The results can be consulted on the IBGE website and on platforms such as SIDRA, Census Overview and Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI), the latter two of which can also be viewed through interactive maps.

Directorate of Surveys
Directorate of Geosciences
September 24, 2024

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