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IBGE will release, on October 25, the publication Brazilian Relief Classification System: Technical Excursions: Entering the Pantanal plain

The publication presents the itinerary and discussions that took place during the 2nd Technical Excursion of the Brazilian Relief Classification System - SBCR, called “Entering the Pantanal Plain”, which occurred in August 2023 within the scope of the 14th National Symposium on Geomorphology (SINAGEO), held in Corumbá (MS). The publication is a sequence of the record of field activities within the scope of the SBCR, which began with the first SBCR Technical Excursion, held in November 2022, during the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Applied Physical Geography, called “Through the Mountains of Rio de Janeiro”. The Technical Excursions constitute a dissemination strategy of the advances of the SBCR and an opportunity to present its concepts and criteria to the scientific community and to those interested in the subject, based on direct observation and discussion of relief forms and associated processes in different regions of the country.

Directorate of Surveys
September 25, 2024

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