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On April 17, IBGE will release 2022 Population Census: Urban Characteristics of Housing Units Surroundings
On April 17, at 10 am, the IBGE will release the publication "2022 Population Census: Urban Characteristics of Housing Units Surroundings." The release will include information related to the issues observed in the faces of the addresses, showing the maximum capacity of circulation in the thoroughfare, existence of forestation, paving, manhole or storm drain, public lighting, bus stop, signaling for bicycles, sidewalk, obstacles in the sidewalk and wheelchair ramps.
The data are available for Brazil, Major Regions, States, Municipalities and other geographies based on Municipalities. The information will also be disaggregated according to sex, color or race and age groups of the population, as well as to the characteristics of housing units. The results will be available on the IBGE portal and in platforms like SIDRA, Census Overview and the Interactive Geographical Platform (PGI), the last two through interactive maps as well.
On the same date, the IBGE portal will show the update of the product "2022 Population Census: Aggregates per Enumeration Areas: Population results" with complementary variables on the Housing Units Surroundings theme.
Directorate of Surveys
Directorate of Geosciences
March 14, 2025