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IBGE reaffirms thrust in budget of R$2.292 billion for 2022 Census

The IBGE reiterates that the budget required to carry out the 2022 Population Census is of R$ 2,292,907,087.00. R$2,000,000,000.00 have already been registered in PLOA 2022 and more R$ 292,907,087.00 were authorized by the Special Secretariat of Treasury and Budget.

The complementary R$292,907,087.00 will come from the Exports Guarantee Fund (FGE), supervised by the Ministry of Economy.

That guideline is included in the Letter SEI no. 453/2021/ME, of October 15, of the Ministry of Economy, followed by process no. 10080.101158/2021-40 (Subject: Proposal of Amendment for PLOA 2022. Error of legal order), by the Secretariat of Treasury.

The determination of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the acceptance by the Ministry of Economy allow the IBGE and the Brazilian society to thrust in the Mixed Commission of Budget, in the Legislative, in harmony with the other authorities.

Furthermore, the IBGE continues to work in the entire country in the pre-operation steps to deliver to the Brazilian society a Population Census with technical quality and coverage in accordance with the reliability and reputation that the IBGE built along 85 years.

Coordination of Social Communication
December 13, 2021