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SCN - System of National Accounts

Experimental Statistics

About - 2018 Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit: Matrices of production account

The System of National Accounts - SNA is based on the identity between supply and demand of goods and services. On the demand side, all goods and services produced in an economy are consumed (either as intermediate consumption in the production process or as final consumption by households and governments), stocked, destined to investment or exported. Part of the demand is also provided by imported goods and services. Therefore, on the supply side, all goods and services used in an economy are either produced in that economy or imported. 

The Tables of Resources and Uses (TRUs) show the relations between supply and demand, detailing the flows by activity and product, as well as the generation of value added in each economic activity. The IBGE publishes these matrices, on a  national scope, since the 1990s. The Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit improve the detailing of such information for the 27 Brazilian Federation Units. 

The experimental statistics now released show the production matrix and the intermediate consumption matrix for 12 activities and 12 products - the most aggregate classification of the Brazilian National Accounts - and comprise the first step in the building of complete regional TRUs. The complete TRUs will include the remaining supply (imports) and demand (final consumption, investment, stock change and exports), thus providing a general overview of the economy in each Brazilian Federation Unit.   

These experimental statistic were developed from the data sources usually used in the compilation of the Brazilian National and Regional Accounts, complemented by records of fiscal documents received through a technical cooperation agreement with the Brazilian Special Secretariat of Federal Revenue. One of the objectives of this agreement is the use of fiscal records to provide regionalized information about the economic activity, preserving the statistical confidentiality of the information provided by tax payers. 


Experimental Statistics

Tables - 2018 Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit: Matrices of production account

  • Matrices of Production and Intermediate Consumption - 2018 - current values (in xls and ods format).

The IBGE adopts a review policy of the data disclosed by this statistical operation. Data review means any and all scheduled revision of numerical data due to new information, which was not accessible at the time of the first disclosure. For instance: late data that replaces a non-response; or data corrected by the informant himself; or a set of data that has undergone editing and imputation. For more detailed information about the published data review policy of the IBGE statistical operations, check the list of short-term, long-term and special surveys carried out by the Institute with their respective revision procedure on:

Experimental Statistics

Concepts and methods - 2018 Tables of Resources and Uses by Federation Unit: Matrices of production account

As informações a seguir descrevem os metadados estatísticos, que são o conjunto de conceitos, métodos e aspectos relacionados às estatísticas, e são informações necessárias para compreender as características e a qualidade das estatísticas e interpretá-las corretamente.

Informações Gerais

Ser o sistema síntese da economia
Tipo de operação estatística
Sistema de contas nacionais
Tipo de dados
Dados agregados
Periodicidade de divulgação


Técnica de coleta:
Não se aplica


Temas e subtemas
Estatísticas macroeconômicas

Unidades de informação

Unidade de investigação
Não se aplica
Unidade de análise
Não se aplica
Unidade informante
Não se aplica.

Períodos de referência

Ano - 01/01/2018 a 31/12/2018


Formas de disseminação
Publicação impressa, Banco de Dados Agregados - SIDRA, Publicação Digital (online)
Nível de desagregação geográfica

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The System of National Accounts presents information about the generation, distribution and use of income in Brazil. It also contains data about the accumulation of non-financial assets, financial assets and about the relationship between national economy and the rest of the world. With the release of this publication, the IBGE brings into view the System of National Accounts - reference 2010, including data related to 2014 and, on an exceptional basis, the review of some results of the series from 2010 to 2013, whose changes, due to methodological adjustments among other factors, are detailed in a specific topic.

The Supply and Use Table presents the results at current prices and at prices in effect in the previous year. It shows the flows of supply and demand of goods and services and also the generation of income and employment in each economic activity. The Integrated Economic Accounts, in the core of the system, provide and overall view of the economy, describing the essential phenomena for each institutional sector – production, consumption, accumulation and assets – and their interrelations in the period of time considered. The synoptic tables gather the main variables calculated in the System of National Accounts and allow the identification, for each year, of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP; composition of aggregated supply and demand; generation, distribution and use of the national income; accumulation of capital; net lending or borrowing; current transactions with the rest of the world; per capita income; evolution of the tax burden; disaggregation of non-financial enterprises per origin of capital, private and public; and the disaggregation of the public and private sectors, for some aggregates, among other information of the Brazilian economy.

This publication also highlights the time series of the GDP growth rates for the 1951-2014 period. At the end, a glossary registers the terms and concepts considered relevant.

The information on the System of National Accounts - reference 2010 series is presented according to a new classification of products and activities, integrated with the National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE 2.0.

All these results, including the complete series of the SNA since 2000, is available at the IBGE web portal. The web portal also provides information on the methodological criteria adopted in the new series, produced in accordance with the System of National Accounts 2008 - SNA 2008 manual, reflecting the commitment of the IBGE with the periodic reviews of the System of National Accounts as determined by the international recommendations.


Technical Information

Technical and methodological notes

Methodological Reports Series

Methodological notes - reference 2010

Methodological notes of the new series of the System of National Accounts (SNA) - reference 2010

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