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PIEEF - Survey of Innovation in Federal State-Run Companies | 2008
About - 2008
The Survey of Innovation in Federal State-run Companies is conducted by IBGE with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and of the Department of Coordination and Governance of the Federal State-run Companies (DEST), which belongs to the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Administration. It has the purpose of providing information for the elaboration of indicators concerning the innovation activities in the sector and comparing them with the results previously published in the Survey of Technological Innovation – 2008 PINTEC –, taking the 2006-2008 period as reference. That is the first survey of IBGE to investigate the federal state-run companies and, consequently, some sectors of economic activities not encompassed by the four previous editions of the PINTEC: electricity and gas; construction; trade; transportation, storage and mail; insurance, financial and related services activities; real estate activities; technical, scientific and professional activities; administrative activities and complementary services; and other services activities.
This publications tackles the effort invested in product and process innovation; the impact of innovations in companies performance and competitiveness; information sources and cooperation relations established with other organizations; government support for innovative activities; problems and obstacles for the implementation of innovation; organizational and marketing innovation; among other aspects.
The publication also brings technical notes on methodology, with conceptual references and procedures identical to those adopted in PINTEC, analysis of aggregated results and a glossary with the concepts of the variables shown in the tables. The CD-ROM reproduces the printed volume and contains complete tables of the survey and tables from the publication of the 2008 PINTEC results.
The results herein are also available at IBGE's website. They contribute to enlarge the understanding of the innovation processes in Brazilian companies.
Complementary publication:
Tables - 2008
Complete Tables (zip)
Selected Variables
Table 1.1.1 - Selected variables from federal state-run Companies – Brazil – period 2006-2008
Results of the innovative process
Table1.1.2 - Number of companies, total and those that implemented innovations and/or have projects – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.3 - Degree of novelty of the main product and/or main process in companies that implemented innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.4 - Main stakeholder responsible for developing the product and/or process in companies that implemented innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.5 - Methods of protection used by companies that implemented innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.6 - Number of companies, total and those that implemented innovations, including patent application – Brazil – 2006-2008
Effort demanded to innovate
Table1.1.7 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, by level of importance of developed innovative activities – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.8 - Number of companies and net sales, including expenditures related to developed innovative activities – Brazil – 2008
Table1.1.9 - Funding sources for Research and Development and other developed innovative activities by company – Brazil – 2008
Table1.1.10 - Expenditure carried out in internal activities of Research and Development by company that implemented innovations, including the nature of the activities – Brazil – 2008 Table1.1.11 - Number of companies, total and those that implemented innovations and/or have projects – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.12 - Number of persons employed in internal activities of Research and Development by company that implemented innovations, by qualification level – Brazil – 2008
Impact of innovations
Table1.1.13 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, by level of importance of the impact caused – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.15 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, by level of importance of used information sources – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.16 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, by location of used information sources – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.17 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, total and with partnership with other organizations, by level of importance of the partnership – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.18 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, total and with partnership with other organizations, by location of the main partner – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.19 -Number of companies that implemented innovations, total and with partnership with other organizations, by cooperation object – Brazil – 2006-2008
Government support
Table1.1.20 - Number of companies that implemented innovations, total and those that received government support for their innovative activities, by type of supporting program – Brazil – 2006-2008
Problems and obstacles
Table1.1.21 - Number of companies, total and those that did not implement innovations and have no projects, including reasons for not developing or implementing innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.22 - Number of companies, total and those that did not implement innovations and have no projects due to other factors, by level of importance of problems and obstacles – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.23 - Number of companies, total and those that implemented innovations, by level of importance of problems and obstacles – Brazil – 2006-2008
Organizational and marketing innovations
Table1.1.24 - Number of companies, total and those that did not implement product or process and that have no projects, including implemented organizational and marketing innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.25 - Number of companies, total and those that implemented innovations, including implemented organizational and marketing innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Table1.1.26 - Number of companies, total and those that did not implement innovations but have projects, including implemented organizational and marketing innovations – Brazil – 2006-2008
Concepts and methods - 2008
As informações a seguir descrevem os metadados estatísticos, que são o conjunto de conceitos, métodos e aspectos relacionados às estatísticas, e são informações necessárias para compreender as características e a qualidade das estatísticas e interpretá-las corretamente.
Informações Gerais
Fornecer informações para a construção de indicadores das atividades de inovação das empresas estatais federais brasileiras e compará-los com os resultados previamente divulgados da PINTEC 2008. Essas informações contribuirão para ampliar o entendimento do processo de inovação nas empresas estatais federais.Tipo de operação estatística
Pesquisa de inovaçãoTipo de dados
Dados de CensoPeriodicidade de divulgação
A delimitação do âmbito partiu do conjunto de empresas acompanhadas pelo Departamento de Coordenação e Governança das Empresas Estatais (DEST), órgão responsável por acompanhar as empresas estatais federais. A listagem inicial totalizava 118 empresas estatais federais, sendo reduzida para 72 empresas, através da exclusão daquelas que possuíam as seguintes características: serem domiciliadas no exterior; encontrarem-se em processo de liquidação; empresas que eram Estatais Estaduais até 2008; empresas que não exerceram atividade entre 2006 e 2008 e as que só foram constituídas após este período; empresas classificadas no grupo 64.6 - Atividades de sociedades de participação da Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas - CNAE 2.0; empresas pertencentes aos grupos 86.1 - Atividades de atendimento hospitalar e 84.1 - Administração do estado e da política econômica e social da CNAE 2.0; e empresas subsidiárias impossibilitadas de prestar informações separadas da empresa controladora. Resultou, assim, um total de 72 empresas que compõem o âmbito da pesquisa.Metodologia
Diante da complexidade do conceito de inovação, optou-se pela seguinte forma de coleta:
(1) a primeira etapa da pesquisa consistiu na identificação do informante, profissional que fosse capaz de apreender os conceitos da pesquisa e detivesse as informações requeridas; e
(2) uma vez identificado este profissional, foram realizadas as seguintes etapas:
- realização de treinamento dos informantes acerca dos principais conceitos do Manual de Oslo e do questionário da pesquisa, sua aplicabilidade em cada setor e a padronização adotada; e
- realização de entrevistas telefônicas ou presenciais assistidas por computador (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview - CATI e Computer Assisted Personal Interview)) utilizando sistemas de entrada de dados inteligentes, que garantiam a consistência mínima das informações solicitadas.
Das 72 empresas pertencentes à população alvo, 11 já haviam sido incluídas na cobertura da PINTEC 2008; logo seus questionários foram aproveitados para a presente pesquisa.
Técnica de coleta:
CATI - Entrevista por telefone assistida por computador, CAPI - Entrevista pessoal assistida por computadorTemas
Temas e subtemas
Estatísticas multidomínio, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação - CT&IPrincipais variáveis
Número de empresas inovadoras em produto e/ou processo; atividades inovativas desenvolvidas; gastos com estas atividades; fontes de financiamento para inovação; atividades internas de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento; impactos da inovação; fontes de informação para inovar; arranjos cooperativos para inovação; apoio do governo; patentes e outros métodos de proteção; problemas encontrados; e inovações organizacionais e de marketing.Unidades de informação
Unidade de investigação
EmpresaUnidade de análise
Empresa.Períodos de referência
Ano - 01/01/2008 a 31/12/2008
Data de início da coleta
01/09/2010Data do fim da coleta
Formas de disseminação
Publicação impressa com CD-ROM, Publicação Digital (online)Nível de desagregação geográfica
NacionalNível de divulgação
NacionalInstrumentos de coleta
Este levantamento é o primeiro, no âmbito do IBGE, a investigar isoladamente as empresas estatais federais e, por conseguinte, alguns setores de atividade econômica não integrantes das quatro edições anteriores da PINTEC, quais sejam: eletricidade e gás; construção; comércio; transporte, armazenagem e correio; atividades financeiras, de seguros e serviços relacionados; atividades imobiliárias; atividades profissionais, científicas e técnicas; atividades administrativas e serviços complementares; e outras atividades de serviços.
Saiba mais - 2008
Pesquisa de inovação nas empresas estatais federais : 2008 / IBGE, Coordenação de Indústria. -
Material type: Book
Year: 2011
The Survey of Innovation in Federal State-Run Companies is conducted by IBGE with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and of the Department of Coordination and Governance of the Federal State-run Companies (DEST), which belongs to the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Administration. It has the purpose of providing information for the elaboration of indicators concerning the innovation activities in the sector and comparing them with the results previously published in the Survey of Technological Innovation – 2008 PINTEC –, taking the 2006-2008 period as reference. That is the first survey of IBGE to investigate the federal state-run companies and, consequently, some sectors of economic activities not encompassed by the four previous editions of the PINTEC: electricity and gas; construction; trade; transportation, storage and mail; insurance, financial and related services activities; real estate activities; technical, scientific and professional activities; administrative activities and complementary services; and other services activities.
This publications tackles the effort invested in product and process innovation; the impact of innovations in companies performance and competitiveness; information sources and cooperation relations established with other organizations; government support for innovative activities; problems and obstacles for the implementation of innovation; organizational and marketing innovation; among other aspects.
The publication also brings technical notes on methodology, with conceptual references and procedures identical to those adopted in PINTEC, analysis of aggregated results and a glossary with the concepts of the variables shown in the tables. The CD-ROM reproduces the printed volume and contains complete tables of the survey and tables from the publication of the 2008 PINTEC results.
The results herein are also available at IBGE's website. They contribute to enlarge the understanding of the innovation processes in Brazilian companies.
Technical Information
2008 Survey of Innovation in State-Run Companies
Technical Notes can be found in the Complete Publication at: