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Population Count

About - Final results

The reference date of Population Count 1996 was 08/01/96. Consequently, all the preliminary and final results refer to this date. According to the political and administrative division of the country at the time, there were 4,974 municipalities.

IBGE has decided to release the preliminary results of Population Count in order to inform about the resident population of all the Brazilian municipalities, including the 533 ones created on 01/01/97, because the figures released would correspond to the population of these municipalities in case they had already been created on 08/01/96. The municipalities which originated those created on 01/01/97 had their populations presented without the amount ceded to new municipalities.

Tables - Final results

Complete Tables (excel)

Characteristics of the municipalities:


Demographic densitiy:


Municipalities with more than 50 thousand inhabitants


Resident population:

The IBGE adopts a review policy of the data disclosed by this statistical operation. Data review means any and all scheduled revision of numerical data due to new information, which was not accessible at the time of the first disclosure. For instance: late data that replaces a non-response; or data corrected by the informant himself; or a set of data that has undergone editing and imputation. For more detailed information about the published data review policy of the IBGE statistical operations, check the list of short-term, long-term and special surveys carried out by the Institute with their respective revision procedure on:


The Population Count is produced in the middle of decade, with the main purpose of updating population figures and providing material for the calculation of population estimates of municipalities in the following years. The collection unit is the resident, on the reference date, of a housing unit in the National Territory.

The count started in 1996, all over the country, as since 1989 the IBGE has had the legal obligation to provide, annually, municipal estimates of the resident population in accordance with the constitutional provision regulated by Complementary Law no. 59, of December 22, 1988. Furthermore, in accordance with the Article 102 of Law no. 8,443, of July 16, 1992, the IBGE started to publish on the Official Gazette, until August 31 of each year, the annual population estimates for states and municipalities, and to send it, until October 31, to the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), being that list of estimates used as one of the criteria to distribute the Municipality Participation Fund (FPM). The Population Count, scheduled for 2005 due to budget reasons, only occurred in 2007, in a cooperative census operation that also included the 2006 Census of Agriculture and the National Address List for Statistical Purposes - CNEFE, the goals of which were to update the population estimates and information about economic activities performed by individuals and agricultural companies in the country. Also due to budget reasons, it was not possible to carry out the 2007 Population Count survey in all the 5,564 municipalities. After research, the IBGE concluded that the available resources would allow a survey in municipalities with up to 170 thousand inhabitants, a population range which has a direct impact on shares of the Municipality Participation Fund (FPM). Due to the fact that only one or two municipalities, in some Federation Units, would be excluded from this range for exceeding 170 thousand residents, it was decided to include them in the survey. Therefore, the 2007 Population Count covered 5,435 municipalities - 5, 414 with up to 170 thousand residents and the other 21 included as already mentioned, accounting for 97% of the total of municipalities in the country. For the other 129 municipalities the 2007 population was estimated.

The Population Count produces information about population figures, by gender, age and degree of kinship with the head of the household, as well as about the type of households surveyed.

The survey is conducted on a decennial basis, except when postponed. It covers the national territory, with results released for Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units and Municipalities.


Technical Information

Technical notes

Count aspects

Methodology for the Estimation of Closed Housing Units

Population estimates of the Federal District for 2007