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Population Census
About - Statistical Urban Maps
This product brings together the collection of Statistical Urban Maps (MUE), in GeoPDF format, used as a reference for the 2022 Population Census. It is a direct byproduct of the Digital Territorial Base, structured based on continuous update cycles, in which the IBGE Territorial Base Supervision teams, present throughout the national territory, annually consolidate the Mesh of Enumeration Areas.
They translate the field scan resulting from the IBGE collection operation and can serve as a reference for a set of applications that depend on detailed knowledge of the occupation patterns of the national territory. However, in this cycle, for the first time, the maps were updated after the field data collection stage, so that they incorporate improvements in the classification of geospatial information, in the toponyms of the locations and in the other cartographic elements represented.
The MUEs represent the areas of cities, towns and urban centers, according to the classification of the Mesh of Enumeration Areas. They are produced on adapted scales, so that it is possible to identify the borders of the enumeration areas that make up the country's urbanized areas.
MUEs are considered to be extremely valuable digital thematic maps for understanding the territorial dynamics of urbanized areas in municipalities. They are constructed based on the classification of enumeration areas, since they allow visualization of the spatial distribution of urban occupation, expanding knowledge about the growth of human activity centers, residential areas, in addition to the possible environmental, economic, political, social and cultural impacts of urbanization in a given area.
For many municipalities, the MUE will be the most important input for processing geospatial information to support public policies in urban centers, and may also provide initial elements for master plans, soil use laws, real estate value plans, licensing of works and activities, mapping of public services such as waste collection, transportation systems, infrastructure, health and education networks, in addition to the most varied sectorizations, in order to improve quality of life, future businesses and sustainable development of municipalities.
The MUE also contemplates all the assumptions for the construction of Statistical Municipal Maps (MME), with emphasis on the recognition of the regions that encompass the limits of urban sectors. As a result, 90% of them are presented in scales of 1:750 to 1:1:10,000, with a small remaining percentage in scales up to 1:20,000.
All Urban Map files were created in accordance with the Digital Municipal Mesh of the Brazilian Political-Administrative Division, including territorial updates made between August 1, 2022, and changes in municipal borders communicated to the IBGE by July 31, 2022 by the competent State Agencies.
They represent a leap in quality from the version of the “locality maps” adopted in the 2010 and 2007 Censuses, mainly regarding updates resulting from the following factors:
- Identification of possible inconsistencies in the enumeration areas' borders, due to the improvement of cartographic inputs used, in order to avoid omissions or invasions of territory;
- Record of updates of the names of existing addresses in the enumeration area, as well as their use;
- Inclusion and exclusion of street blockfaces, and, indicating the need to change borders, when necessary;
- Identification of different uses of building addresses throughout the collection operation;
- Identification of characteristics of urban services and equipment in existing blockfaces (paving, public lighting, etc.);
- Construction of descriptive maps of urban sectors.
This is the result of a radical technological transformation in work processes, through the creation of a Python plugin that combines the data geoservices available through the IBGE Territorial Base, with the following aspects being highlighted:
- Database of road infrastructure, hydrography, locations and meshes of enumeration;
- Application of a simplified data layer model;
- Less resources used and shorter deadlines provided by digital evolution;
- Expanding the potential value for real use of maps in the public domain.
It is also worth noting that in the past, the ability to construct maps depended on the availability and skills of qualified individuals, huge industrial infrastructure, significant amounts of financial resources and long deadlines.
The most important aspect of this transformation is the opportunity to generate and regenerate Thematic Maps more often, allowing for the progressive monitoring of changes in shorter time intervals, which combine all available data, increasing the quality of information each year and proving to be a consistent instrument, combined with the factors of visual clarity and geospatial precision, which make them essential for the IBGE, in addition to counting on the occasional feedback from improvements coming from municipalities and the general public.
This version is a contribution from the IBGE Census Cartography, as it allows for the assessment of the relationship between their occupants, places and environments in light of the continued advancement of changes in human settlements, and in line with the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF).
For the purposes of the Municipal Statistical Maps, the set of officially delimited Indigenous Lands was formed by those that were in the land status of reported, approved, regularized and designed as Indigenous reserves until July 31, 2022, the reference date of the survey, according to information provided by the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples – Funai.
The officially delimited Quilombola Territories had their borders represented from the graphic file of Quilombola Areas available in the Land Collection of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – Incra, plus the areas reported by the state and municipal agencies with land powers, pursuant to Decree No. 4,887 of 2003. For mapping purposes, the set of officially delimited Quilombola Territories was formed by those that presented some formal delimitation in the land collection of INCRA or of the agencies with land powers in the states and municipalities on July 31, 2022. Quilombola territories whose delimitations appear in the vector file of Settlement Projects were also considered, but whose delimitations had not been transferred to the vector file of Quilombola territories, as indicated by the Division of Identification and Recognition of Quilombola Territories of INCRA (INCRA/DFQ1). Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be directly forwarded to the agencies responsible for the information.
The borders of the Settlement Projects represented were reproduced in accordance with the Land Collection of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA. The projects listed on July 31, 2022 were considered. The projects in the following categories currently practiced by INCRA were represented on the maps: Federal Settlement Projects (PA), Agroextractive Settlement Projects (PAE), Sustainable Development Projects (PDS), Forest Settlement Project (PAF) and Decentralized Sustainable Settlement Project (PDAS). Projects created by INCRA until the 1990s and whose modalities were discontinued were also represented: Colonization Projects (PC), Integrated Colonization Projects (PIC), Rapid Settlement Projects (PAR), Directed Settlement Projects (PAD), Joint Settlement Projects (PAC) and Quilombola Settlement Projects (PAQ). The categories recognized by INCRA were also included: State Settlement Project (PE), Recognition of Pasture Land Settlement (PFP) and Dam Resettlement (PRB) and Municipal Settlement Project (PAM). In some municipalities, the Settlement Projects had to be omitted due to the size of the units and the limitations of representation on the map scale. Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be forwarded directly to the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform – INCRA.
The bourders of the Conservation Units represented are based on the georeferenced file of the National Registry of Conservation Units (CNUC), maintained by the Ministry of the Environment with the collaboration of federal, state and municipal management agencies. The maps represent, whenever possible, Conservation Units existing up to July 31, 2022, the reference date for the consolidation of official borders in the 2022 Municipal Maps, taking into account the minimum time required to process this information in the Territorial Base and other IBGE registries. In some Municipalities, Conservation Units had to be omitted due to the extension characteristics of the units and the limitations of representation on the map scale. Conservation Units in the category of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN), due to scale limitations, could not be represented on the maps. Questions about any aspect of this level of information compiled in this product should be directly forwarded to the agencies responsible for the information.
More on the product - Statistical Urban Maps
Learn more - Statistical Urban Maps
The Municipal Maps for Statistical Purposes serve as a tool for the execution of the collection and dissemination stages of the IBGE statistical surveys, especially census operations.
The main objective of these maps is to represent the geographic configuration of the municipal borders defined by the state institutions legally responsible for the Political-Administrative division, in addition to the current legal territorial structures used for the planning and execution of the collection, verification, tabulation, analysis and dissemination stages of statistical and geographic information.
Considering the limitations of the representation scales, the Municipal Statistical Maps (MME) also represent the borders of the territorial units for the collection and dissemination of Census statistics, that is, the Enumeration Areas, mainly those located in rural areas. They are complemented by the set of Statistical Urban Maps (MUE), which present the borders of the Enumeration Areas located in urban areas, accompanied by the intra-municipal divisions relevant for conducting censuses and surveys.
We would like to point out that positional discrepancies may be found in relation to the real world in some areas of the territory, depending on the time of incorporation of data from the census collection.
We would like to warn that some data generated may occasionally present imperfections in the georeferencing conditions, such as inconsistent extensions and azimuths. There might be outdated or even missing name attributes, due to some impossibility in establishing a link with the street name.
Finally, this product reflects the limitations of the context in which it was produced, that is, it was created with the main purpose of enabling statistical surveys. The IBGE is not responsible for correcting any imperfections that may exist. When using this database, users must be aware of these limitations.
With this release, the IBGE seeks to encourage the updating of records and registers, allowing not only comparisons to be made, but also possible corrections and incorporation of data from other sources.
In this context, the IBGE appreciates receiving reports of any errors and encourages the deepening of partnerships that allow for more consistent and precise geospatial data to contribute to the progressive evolution of its records.
It is the major reference source to know the life conditions of the population in all the municipalities of Brazil and in their internal territorial divisions, having the resident person in the housing unit in the National Territory in the reference date as the data collection unit.
The Basic Questionnaire of the survey investigates information on the characteristics of the housing units (urban or rural status, number of bathrooms, existence of toilet, drainage of the bathroom or toilet, water supply, garbage disposal, existence of electricity, etc.); international emigration; composition of the housing units (number of residents, shared responsibility, list of residents, identification of the head, family relationship with the head of the household, etc.); characteristics of residents (sex and age, color or race, ethnicity and spoken language, in the case of Indians, ownership of birth registration, literacy, monthly earnings, etc.); and mortality. Selected housing units were investigated through the Sample Questionnaire, which includes more detailed items on the characteristics of the housing unit and residents in addition to those present in the Basic Questionnaire, as well as items on specific themes like disability, nuptiality and fertility.
The periodicity of the survey is decennial, except for the years of 1910 and 1930, in which the survey was canceled, and of 1990, whose operation was postponed to 1991.
The geographic coverage is nationwide, with results released for Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units, Mesoregions, Microregions, Metropolitan Areas, Municipalities, Districts, Sub-districts and Enumeration Areas.
Historical Overview
The first population census in Brazil was carried out in 1808, specifically aiming at military interests of recruiting for the Armed Forces. It caused the suspect that its results would have been far from reality, due either to the natural prevention of the population against census operations or, mainly, to its objectives. For historical purposes, the census carried out in 1872, called General Census of the Empire, is considered the first one in Brazil, due to its bigger complexity and, above all, to the control exerted on the whole operation. It was established by Decree no. 4,856, of December 30, 1871, and conducted by the General Directorate of Statistics, later discontinued in 1879. The census scheduled for 1880 was transferred to 1887, eventually remaining just as a project. The General Directorate of Statistics was reestablished by Decree no. 113-d, of January 2, 1890, which set the date of December 31, 1890 to carry out the I Census of the Republic. The II Decennial Census of the Republic began on December 31, 1900 in the entire Brazilian territory. Nevertheless, problems with the calculation of the data in the city of Rio de Janeiro, then Federal District, caused the appointment of a commission to study this issue, which concluded to cancel the results related to the city. Based on a legal provision towards this aim, the Federal District carried out another survey just in 1906, completed in February 1907 and released in a special volume. Scheduled for December 31, 1910, the III Decennial Census of the Republic was transferred to June 30, 1911. The operation was definitively discontinued as a result of the political turmoil that Brazil was facing at the time. Carried out on September 1, 1920, the IV Decennial Census aimed at not only the population, yet also the economic situation of the localities. As a result, the industrial and agricultural production in Brazil were thoroughly investigated. Considering the decennial periodicity of the Brazilian censuses as established by law, the V General Census of Brazil should had taken place in 1930, yet a number of reasons, particularly those of political nature, hindered the operation that year. After the radical transformation of the statistical services in Brazil – creation of the National Council of Statistics - CNE and National Council of Geography - CNG, which, altogether, formed the IBGE, according to Decree-Law no. 218, of January 26, 1938 –, the V General Census of Brazil was carried out in 1940, corresponding to the fifth population census, second agricultural and industrial census, and first surveying on trade, transportation, communications and services. Carried out in 1950, the VI General Census of Brazil included the Population Census, whose reference date was fixed on July 1st, and the Agricultural, Industrial, Trade and Services Censuses, as well as the special surveys on transportation and communications. That census integrated the Census of the Americas, sponsored by the Inter-American Statistical Institute - IASI, addressing a specific request from the United Nations - UN. Held on September 1, 1960, the VII General Census of Brazil also followed the basic guidelines established by those international organizations, in order to assure the consistency of the concepts and allow the comparability of the census results among the American nations. In this survey, the sampling technique was used for the first time in a Brazilian census. Integrated with the Census of the Americas, the VIII General Census of Brazil was carried out on September 1, 1970, encompassing the Population Census and the Property, Agricultural, Industrial, Trade and Services Censuses, as well as special surveys on credit institutions, insurance companies and companies in charge of producing and distributing electricity. The IBGE carried out the IX General Census of Brazil on September 1, 1980, which included not only the Population Census, yet also the Agricultural, Industrial, Trade and Services Censuses and, after previous surveys, integrated with the Census of the Americas, as suggested by the UN. That survey counted on technological advances that allowed innovations in the operation and dissemination of results, which were published in the same year of the operation for the first time ever. Due to budget restrictions, the Population Census was not carried out in 1990, being postponed to September 1, 1991. Compared with the previous censuses, the 1991 Population Census innovated in a number of technical, technological and operational aspects, highlighting also the institution of partnerships – Municipal Census Commissions - CCMs and the Advisory Commission –, which worked as a link between the IBGE and the society. The 2000 Population Census, which resumed the operation in years ending in zero, anticipated the reference date of the survey from September 1st to August 1st, and represented a qualitative leap in a number of aspects, particularly concerning the technological innovation – from the system that followed up the data collection to the data capture and to the automation of the processes of data coding, edit and tabulation, through the extensive use of digital technologies, providing the most appropriate media to each segment of users. Its implementation consolidated the statistical bonds among the countries of the Extended Mercosur, which also includes Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Chile. Carried out on August 1st, the 2010 Population Census made important transformations in the work methods, providing users with even more interactive and specialized pictures, characterized by relevant methodological improvements and technological advances. Partnerships were improved and strengthened through the State Census Commissions - CCEs and Municipal Commissions of Geography and Statistics - CMGEs, aiming at expanding the integration between the IBGE and the local communities to gather cooperation and logistics support for the implementation of institutional surveys.
Time series
The microdata are the lowest level of disaggregation of the data of a survey, representing, in the form of numerical codes, the content of the questionnaires and preserving the statistical confidentiality aiming at the non-individualization of the information. The microdata are in ASCII format, allowing expert users with knowledge in programming, preferably in statistical software, to read the data, cross them in different geographic aggregations and create multiple tabulations according to their personal interest.
The microdata files are coupled with a support documentation that provides the names, codes and descriptions of the variables and their categories, complemented, whenever needed, with elements to compute the sampling errors.
2010 Census
March 11, 2016 - Variable v1005 - ENUMERATION AREA STATUS was included in the HOUSING UNIT, PERSON, EMIGRATION and MORTALITY files
Federation Units
Tables - Federation Units and Municipalities (in zip format)
- Rondônia
- Acre
- Amazonas
- Roraima
- Pará
- Amapá
- Tocantins
- Maranhão
- Piauí
- Ceará
- Rio Grande do Norte
- Paraíba
- Pernambuco
- Alagoas
- Sergipe
- Bahia
- Minas Gerais
- Espírito Santo
- Rio de Janeiro
- São Paulo - except MA
- São Paulo - MA
- Paraná
- Santa Catarina
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Mato Grosso do Sul
- Mato Grosso
- Goiás
- Federal District
- Microdata for the 14 municipalities with redesigned areas
- updated on March 31, 2016 - variable v1005 - ENUMERATION AREA STATUS was included in the Variable description files - Microdata of the sample of the 2010 Population Census - updated on March 15, 2016
- variable v1005 - ENUMERATION AREA STATUS was included in the Layout_microdados_Amostra_14_munic_20160301 file, in the sub-folders of HOUSING UNIT, PERSON, EMIGRATION and MORTALITY
2000 Census
September 8, 2017 - It was detected that variable V0300 was not in the housing unit file.
March 9, 2016 - It was detected that the activity and employment files were incomplete and that it was necessary to include new codes in the documentation that matches the codes of 2000 and 1991.
June 19, 2015 - It was detected that parts of some records were corrupted. The files were replaced.
Federation Units
Technical Information
Methodology of the survey carried out in 2010 (Methodological Reports Series, v. 41)
Methodology of the survey carried out in 2000 (Methodological Reports Series, v. 25)
Methodology of the survey carried out in 1980 (Methodological Reports Series, v. 4)
The changes that took place in the survey after the release of the methodological reports are presented either as Technical notes and/or Methodological notes. The technical notes either report or clarify specific issues on the survey, whereas the methodological notes address general aspects of the improvements, updates and/or revisions implemented, as well as complementary methodological aspects, whose clarifications have been made necessary before the release of a new formal volume of the Methodological Reports Series.
Technical notes
- Technical note 01/2018 - Reinterpretation of the data on disabled persons in the 2010 Population Census, in the light of the recommendations of the Washington Group
News and Releases
2022 Census
2022 Census: Brazil has 8.5 thousand Indigenous localities, most of them in the North Region
According with Census data, published today (19) by the IBGE, there were 8,568 Indigenous localities...
2022 Census
2022 Census: one out of five Brazilians lives in rented household
In 2022, the proportion of Brazilians who lived in rented households maintained the upward trend and...
2022 Census
2022 Census: At Casa Brasil IBGE, technical team releases aggregated results by enumeration areas and enumeration routes
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released, on Thursday, 14, data relative to...
2022 Census
2022 Census: 87% of the Brazilian population lives in urban areas
According to the 2022 Population Census, of the total country's population, 203.1 million people, 177.5...
2022 Census
IBGE launches Environment and Maps Modules for the Creating Synergies between the 2030 Agenda and the G20 series
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) is releasing the Environment and Maps thematic...
2022 Census
2022 Census: IBGE releases data on the Census Map at Casa Brasil IBGE
On November 14, at 10 am, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will releases the...
2022 Census
2022 Census: 16.4 million persons in Brazil lived in Favelas and Urban Communities
The 2022 Population Census found 12,348 Favelas and Urban Communities in Brazil, inhabited by 16,390,815...
2022 Census
2022 Census: IBGE releases data on Favelas and Urban Communities at Areninha Cultural Herbert Vianna, in Maré (RJ)
On November 8, at 10 a.m, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) will release the...
2022 Census
2022 Census: IBGE reveals composition of households and reported deaths at Casa Brasil IBGE
This Friday (25), in the morning, at an event at Casa Brasil IBGE, located in the Palácio da Fazenda,...
2022 Census
2022 Census: In 12 years, proportion of female householders advances and equals that of male ones
In 2022, among the 72.5 million households in Brazil, 49.1% had female householders. The proportion represents...
Replacement of publication Methodological notes no.07/2024: Sample expansion process for preliminary results
Published date: 30/01/2025
The amendment of the title of the methodological note referenced on page 11 of the publication was required.Actions: The publication has been replaced and the title of the methodological note, which talks about the construction of preliminary weighting areas, has been changed.
Correction of data in two graphs of the topic Indigenous peoples on the 2022 Census Overview website
Published date: 09/10/2024
The graphs "Population in indigenous lands" and "Indigenous lands by location of housing unit" of the 2022 Census Overview website presented incorrect data in the period between September 26 and October 04, 2024.Actions: The error was corrected on the 2022 Census Overview website in the afternoon of October 04.
Replacement of the publication 2022 Population Census: Indigenous Population: Literacy, birth records and characteristics of housing units, by specific areas: Population Results
Published date: 08/10/2024
Correction of two pieces of data in the last paragraph of page 42 of the complete publication. Instead of 24 municipalities, there are 25 where the proportion of the population living in housing units with a bathroom for exclusive use in 2022 was below 50% and, instead of 668 municipalities, there are 669 where this proportion was below 90%.
Five pieces of data on pages 164, 202, 218 and 219 of the publication were corrected. On page 164, the figure informed was 621 079 housing units, while the correct figure is 342 080 housing units. On page 202, the figure informed was 621 079 housing units, but the right figure is 516 176 housing units. On pages 218 and 219, percent changes were corrected from 9.42% to 9.39%; from 34.70% to 34.71%; and from 0.55% to 0.56%.Actions: The complete publication was replaced.
Replacement of 2022 Population Census: Characteristics of housing units: Population results publication
Published date: 05/06/2024
Amendment of two data in the last paragraph of page 42 of the complete publication. Instead of 24 municipalities, they are 25 in which the proportion of the population living in housing units with exclusive bathrooms in 2022 was lower than 50%, and, instead of 668 municipalities, they are 669 in which this proportion was lower than 90%.
Actions: The complete publication has been replaced.Error in release "Population and households - First results", specifically in results of municipalities Abel Figueiredo (PA) and São Pedro da Água Branca (MA)
Published date: 22/12/2023
Error in the data collection, pinpointed by the IBGE, in the inter-state border between Pará and Maranhão, in the municipalities of Abel Figueiredo (PA) and São Pedro da Água Branca (MA). The amendment caused the transference of a contingent of 894 persons and 330 households, being 265 occupied households with interviews from Abel Figueiredo (PA) to São Pedro da Água Branca (MA).Actions:
Tables SIDRA 4709, 4711, 4712 e 4714 of the "Population and Households -First Results" release with the amendments were made available on December 22, 2023.Observation:
The IBGE is producing a Technical Note, to be released soon, detailing this problem and showing all the actions aiming at its amendment.Error in release "Population by age and sex - Results of the universe", specifically in results of municipalities Abel Figueiredo (PA) and São Pedro da Água Branca (MA)
Published date: 22/12/2023
Error in the data collection, pinpointed by the IBGE, in the inter-state border between Pará and Maranhão, in the municipalities of Abel Figueiredo (PA) and São Pedro da Água Branca (MA). The amendment caused the transference of a contingent of 894 persons from Abel Figueiredo (PA) to São Pedro da Água Branca (MA).Actions:
Tables SIDRA 1209, 9514 e 9515 of the "Population by age and sex - Results of the Universe" release with the amendments were made available on December 22, 2023.Observation:
The IBGE is producing a Technical Note, to be released soon, detailing this problem and showing all the actions aiming at its amendment.Calendar error in the release of 2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex - Persons aged 60 years and over publication
Published date: 01/11/2023
Error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not publishing the release date of the document titled "2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex - Persons aged 60 years and over" in the release calendar. The document was produced to complement the "2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex: Results of the universe" publication, released on October 27, 2023. Aware of the relevance of this theme, the text specifically deals with the population aged 60 years and over, which are the people considered Elderly persons according to the Statute of Elderly Persons.Actions: Release of a Highlight on the availability of the "2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex - Persons aged 60 years and over" document.
Calendar error in the release of the “2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex - Results of the universe” publication
Published date: 04/10/2023
Error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting the minimum 30-day anticipation to inform the public on the release date of the 2022 Population Census: Population by age and sex - Results of the universe publication, released on June 28, 2023. The release and updating will occur on October 27, 2023.Actions: The Highlight has been published on October 4, 2023.
Calendar error in release of “2022 Population Census: Indigenous: First results of universe” publication
Published date: 25/07/2023
An error, pinpointed by the IBGE, for not meeting a minimum of 30 days to inform the public the release date of the 2022 Population Census: Indigenous: First results for the universe publication. The release will be on August 7, 2023.Actions: The release notice updated on July 11, 2023 was once again updated on this date, informing the postponement of the date from August 2 to August 7, 2023.
Correction in the Oracle database and BME concerning specific variables on Indians
Published date: 05/02/2018
Description: Some registers of non-Indian persons or persons who did not live in Indian lands received incorrect values in specific variables of this subject.
Actions: The file was corrected and replaced in the Oracle database and BME.
Complementation of the nomenclature of the cells of the vector files of the Statistical Grid of the 2010 Census
Published date: 06/10/2016
Description: Complementation of the nomenclature of the cells of the grid, maintaining its statistical content and spatial characteristics unchanged.
Actions: The vector files have been replaced.
Complementation of nomenclature for cells of vector files of the Statistical Grid for the 2010 Census
Published date: 06/10/2016
Description: Complementation of the nomenclature of the grid cells, without change of the statistical content or of spatial characteristics.
Actions: Vector files replaced.
Correction of a secondary error in the Results of the Universe - Census
Published date: 28/07/2015
Description: Difference detected among totals of the same variables in different spreadsheets of the Aggregate by enumeration area of the universe - 2010 Census.
Actions: Correction in the database with indication in the news list of the page that accesses the database.
Amendment of a secondary error in Results of the Universe - 2010 Census
Published date: 25/05/2015
Description: Difference detected among total figures of the same variables in different spreadsheets of the Aggregate by enumeration area of the universe - 2010 Census.
Actions: Amendment in database, indicating the access page to the database in the news list.