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IBGE/RR and State Secretariat define mutual support to foster public policies in the agricultural sector and the planning of the Census of Agriculture

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Providing continuous data on the agricultural surveys carried out in the state to aid in the design of public policies – that was the commitment made by the IBGE State Superintendence in Roraima in a meeting with the team of the State Secretariat of Agriculture, Development and Innovation (SEADI), this Tuesday, on January 16th.

The meeting – held at SEADI’s hedquarters, in Boa Vista – had as participants the representatives of the Secretariat. The IBGE representatives present at the event were Superintendent Welisson Cordeiro, Information Dissemination Coordinator Liezer Pino and Survey and Mapping Agent Liliane Gonçalves.

Among the surveys that the Institute carries out and which are of SEADI’s interest are the Census of Agriculture, the Municipal Livestock Survey (PPM) and the Municipal Agricultural Survey (PAM).

“This kind of support is very important to the agricultural sector of Roraima. With IBGE’s data we can make better decisions for the sector’s development”, said secretary Márcio Grangeiro.

At the meeting, Mr. Grangeiro also made SEADI available to assist the IBGE in the logistics and dissemination of the institute’s surveys and of the next Census of Agriculture, whose planning is already ongoing.

“We were very glad about Mr. Granjeiro’s invitation to join this meeting. Secretary Granjeiro has also accepted our invitation to be with us in the next agricultural survey meeting. The partnership with the State Government is crucial for the IBGE actions to succeed”, highlighted Mr. Cordeiro.

Ao final da reunião, Welisson propôs que os funcionários da SEADI passassem por um treinamento com a equipe do IBGE sobre a tabulação de dados estatísticos por meio do SIDRA (Sistema IBGE de Recuperação Automática).

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Welisson proposed that SEADI’s servants be trained by the IBGE’s team on the tabulation of statistical data by SIDRA databank (IBGE’s system of automatic recovery).

The proposal was accepted by the SEADI’s head and the training should be starting next week, administered by Mr. Pino.

“The idea is for SEADI’s servants to learn how to use the platform, select relevant indicators, make data crossing and create data visualization. These skills enable a better understanding the studied context and will also contribute to educated decisions”, emphasized Mr. Liezer.