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IBGE participates in the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights

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Opening session of the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights - Photo: Clarice Castro/MDHC

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) participated, last Tuesday (6), in the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights: building a future for all persons, promoted by the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDHC), in Brasília (Federal District, DF).

Opening session of the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights - Photo: Clarice Castro/MDH

The National Observatory for Human Rights (ObservaDH) and the National Network for Evidence in Human Rights (ReneDH) were launched during the meeting. ObservaDH has the objective of analyzing and disseminating information about the status of human rights in Brazil, and evidence for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of public policies. ReneDH promotes the communication between researchers, managers and the civil society aiming at the interchange of experiences and practices in the fields of human rights and citizenship.

Superintendent of the IBGE in the Federal District, Gabriel Antonaccio, in the opening session of the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights - Photo: Clarice Castro/MDHC

The IBGE’s Superintendent in the Federal District, Gabriel Antonaccio, spoke on behalf of the president of the Institute, Marcio Pochmann, in the opening session of the Meeting with the minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida; the executive secretary of the MDHC, Rita de Oliveira; and representatives of the National Council of Justice (CNJ); of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea); of Itaipu Binacional (a major hydroelectric plant in Brazil) and the United Nations (UN); of the National Council for Human Rights; and of the Brazilian Public Security Forum.

Minister Silvio Almeida in the opening session of the First Meeting on Evidence in Human Rights - Photo: Clarice Castro/MDHC

Minister Silvio Almeida explained that ObservaDH is a combination of emotion and reason. “We are restoring the position of the good science that must be practiced for the benefit of people and not to destroy them. When science is aimed at empowering and expanding our capacity to do people good, it becomes essential.”

Antonaccio congratulated the MDHC on the creation of ObservaDH. “Our participation in this event reflects the synergy between data collection and the promotion of human rights. High-quality information is key for the construction of public policies,” states the IBGE’s superintendent in the Federal District.

Watch in full: First Meeting on Evidences in Human Rights

With information from the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship