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updated October, 2001  
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Main Page

Frist meeting, Santiago, May 1997: 

Agenda, background and contributed papers
List of Participants

Second Meeting, Rio, May 1998:

Agenda and Contributions 
List of Paricipants
summary.pdfSummary of the Meeting
issues.pdfMain Issues

Third Meeting, Lisbon, November, 1999:

Agenda and Contributions

Fourth Meeting, Rio, October 2001:

List of Paricipants

Please send questions, comments and suggestions to the group's convenors, Eduardo Pereira Nunes, Elisa Caillaux at IBGE and / or Pedro Sainz,IBGE consultant and Juan Carlos Feres at ECLAC.

FIRST MEETING - Santiago, May, 1997

List of Participants




Ms. Maureen McDonald, Assistant Director, Household Income and Expenditure Section
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Cameron Offices, Chandler Street,
P.O. Box 10, Belconnen A.C.T. 2616, AUSTRALIA
tel.:  (61-6) 2527375  fax:  (61-6) 2526870
e-mail:  maureen.mcdonald@abs.gov.au

Mr. David Wilson, Head, Housing Unit, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 6A Traeger Court, Fern Hill Park, Bruce Act, GPO Box 570, Canberra ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA
tel.:  (61-6) 2441202  fax:  (61-6) 2441199
e-mail:  david.wilson@aihw.gov.au


Mr. Dabilani Buthali, Statistician, Central Statistical Office, Private Bag 0024, Gaborone, BOTSWANA
tel.:  (267) 352200  fax:  (267) 352201
e-mail:  cso@is.co.za


Dr. Simon Schwartzman, Presidente, Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografía e Estadística, (IBGE), Av. Franklin Roosevelt 166, ndar 10, 20.000-000 Rio de Janeiro, R.J., BRASIL
tel.:  (55-21) 514-4500  fax:  (55-21) 2205943
e-mail:  simon@ibge.gov.br

Mr. Mariano de Matos Macedo, Diretor, Diretoria de Politica Social, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), SBS Ed. BNDES, 14o. andar, 70076-900 Brasilia - D.F. BRAZIL,
tel.:  (061) 3155282  fax:  (061) 2264289
e-mail:  macedo@ipea.gov.br
Mrs. Sonia Rocha, Senior Analyst, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos 51, 17o. andar, Río de Janeiro, R.J., BRASIL,
tel.:  (55-21) 2121183  fax:  (55-21)  2401920
e-mail:  srocha@ipea.gov.br

Mr. Alfonso Rodríguez Arias, Consultor, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Ed. BNDES, 14o. andar, SQN 116-D-502, 70076-900 Brasilia - D.F. , BRAZIL
tel.:  (061) 2749590  fax:  (061)  2734110


Mrs. Maryanne Webber, Director, Household Surveys Division, Statistics Canada, Jean Talon Bldg., 5th Floor, Section B2, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1A OT6
tel.:  (613) 9512899  fax:  (613) 9510085
e-mail:  webber@statcan.ca


Mr. Alexis Guardia, Director Nacional, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Av. Bulnes 418, piso 3, Casilla 498, Correo 3, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 6961929  fax:  (56-2) 6961929
e-mail:  inesdadm@reuna.cl

Mrs. Sonia Araiz, Economista del Sector Salud, Departamento de Estudios Sociales, Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación (MIDEPLAN), Ahumada 48, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 6722033  fax:
Mr. Germán Puentes, Sectorialista, Departamento de Estudios Sociales, Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación (MIDEPLAN), Ahumada 48, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 6722033  fax:  (56-2) 6729027

Mrs. Berta Teitelboim, Jefa, Departamento de Información Social, Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación (MIDEPLAN), Ahumada 48, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 6722033  fax:  (56-2) 6729027


Mrs. Paloma Seoane, Jefe de Area de Encuestas de Presupuestos Familiares y Condiciones de Vida, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Paseo La Castellana 183, 28046 Madrid, ESPAÑA
tel.:  (34-1) 5839264  fax:  (34-1) 5839488
e-mail:  pseoane@ine.es


Mr. Madior Fall, Researcher, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) 18, Bld. Adolphe Pinard, 75675 Paris (Cedex 14), FRANCE
tel.:  (33-1) 41175469  fax:  (33-1) 41176317
e-mail:  madior.fall@dg75-f350.insee.atlas.fr


Dr. P.D. Joshi, Joint Director, National Sample Survey Organization, Department of Statistics, Mininstry of Planning and Prog. Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Parliament Street,
New Delhi 110001, INDIA
tel.:  (91-11) 3361080  fax:  (91-11) 3342384
e-mail:  dgcso@hub.nic.in

Dr. Agus Sutanto, Chief, Economic Statistics Analysis and Development Division, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 8 Jalan Dr. Sutomo, P.O. Box 1003, Jakarta 1002, INDONESIA
tel.:  (62-21) 3810291  fax:  (62-21) 3519744
e-mail:  sugito@bps.go.id


Lic. Miguel Cervera Flores, Director General de Estadística, Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI), Edificio Sede, Av. Prolongación Héroe de Nacozari No. 2003 Sur, CP 2240 Ciudad Industrial, Aguascalientes, MEXICO
tel.:  (491) 82480  fax:  (491) 53888
e-mail:  mcervera@dge.inegi.gob.mx


Dr. Rosaline Hirschowitz, Chief Director, Research and Development, Central Statistical Service (CSS), Steyn's Arcade, 274 Schowman Street, Pretoria 0001, SOUTH AFRICA
tel.:  (27-12) 3108101  fax:  (27-12) 3108504
e-mail:  rosh@css.pwv.gov.za


Mrs. Güzin Erdogan, Chief, Purchasing Power Parity Division, State Institute of Statistics, Prime Ministry, Necatibey Caddesi No. 114, 06100 Ankara, TURKEY
tel.:  (90-312) 4251765  fax:  (90-312) 4253387
e-mail: guzin.erdogan@pascal.bsb.die.gov.tr


Mrs. Marcia Rama Regueira, Encargada de la Unidad de Indicadores Sociales
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Rio Negro 1520, piso 4, Montevideo, URUGUAY
tel.:  (598-2) 908902  fax:  (598-2) 914653
e-mail:  mrama@ine.gub.uy
Mrs. María Dolores Fernández, Directora, División Estadísticas Sociodemográficas, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), Rio Negro 1520, piso 4, Montevideo, URUGUAY
tel.:  (598-2) 908902  fax:  (598-2) 914653
e-mail:  mdfernan@ine.gub.uy


Mr. Charles T. Nelson, Assistant Division Chief for Economic Characteristics, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233
U. S. A.
tel.:  (301) 7638029  fax:  (301) 7638412
e-mail:  charles.t.nelson@ccmail.census.gov



Mr. Jorge Bravo, Experto en Población y Desarrollo, Area Demografía, Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía, CELADE, Casilla 91, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102007  fax:  (56-2) 2080252
e-mail:  jbravo@eclac.cl


Dr. Siddig A. Salih, Senior Regional Advisor on Poverty Issues, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Africa Hall, P.O. Box 3001, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
tel.:  (251-1) 511056  fax:  (251-1) 514416
e-mail:  siddiga.salihatuneca@un.org

Mr. Gert Rosenthal, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n , Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102553  fax:  (56-2) 2080252
e-mail:  grosenthal@eclac.cl

Mr. Pedro Sáinz, Chief, Division of Statistics and Economic Projections, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102633  fax:  (56-2) 2102472
e-mail:  psainz@eclac.cl
Mr. Juan Carlos Feres, Division of Statistics and Economic Projections,  Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102408  fax:  (56-2) 2102472
e-mail:  jferes@eclac.cl
Mr. Luis Beccaria, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
Mr. Pascual Gerstenfeld, Principal Expert Quantitative Analysis, Social Development Division
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102299  fax:  (56-2) 2080252
e-mail:  pgerstenfeld@eclac.cl
Mrs. Beverley Carlson, Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102528  fax:  (56-2) 2080252
e-mail:  bcarlson@eclac.cl
Mr. Rubén Katzman, Director, ECLAC Office in Montevideo, Juncal 1305 Of. 1002, CP 11000, Montevideo, URUGUAY
tel.:  (598-2) 961580  fax:  (598-2) 961776

Mrs. Marilú Avendaño, Division of Statistics and Economic Projections, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102441  fax:  (56-2) 2102472

 Mr. Marcelo Ortúzar, Division of Statistics and Economic Projections, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102449  fax:  (56-2) 2102472
e-mail:  mortuzar@eclac.cl

Mr. Carlos Daroch, Division of Statistics and Economic Projections, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE, tel.:  (56-2) 2102449  fax:  (56-2) 2102472
e-mail:  cdaroch@eclac.cl


Mr. M Khalid Siddiqui, Chief, Statistics Development Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building Rajdamnern, Avenue, Bangkok 10200, THAILAND
tel.:  (66-2) 2881653  fax:  (66-2) 2881082
e-mail:  siddiqui.unescap@un.org


Mrs. Teresa Bento, Acting Head, Living Conditions Statistics Unit, Statistical Office of the European Communities, EUROSTAT, Bâtiment Jean Monnet C3/85, Rue Alcide De Gasperi, L-2920 LUXEMBOURG
tel.:  (352) 4301-32056  fax:  (352) 4301-34415
e-mail:  teresa.bento@eurostat.cec.be


Mr. Michael McPeak, Chief, Statistics and Quantitative Analysis, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 1300 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20577, U. S. A.
tel.:  (1-202) 6232479  fax:  (1-202) 6233682
e-mail:  michaelm@iadb.org

Mr. Hamid Tabatabai, Senior Economist, ILO/SAMAT, 11th floor, Karigamombe Centre, 53 Samora Machel Ave., P.O. Box 210, Harare
tel.:  263-4-759460  fax:  263-4-759372
e-mail:  tabatabai@ilo.org

Mrs. Lais Abramo, Directora a.i., Dirección de Desarrollo y Gestión Local, ILPES, Av. Dag Hammarskjöld s/n, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, CHILE
tel.:  (56-2) 2102510  fax:  (56-2) 2080252


Mr. Edward Greene, Advisor Public Policy and Health, Pan American Health Organization/ World  Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, 525 Twenty-third Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037-2895, USA
tel.:  (202) 9743177  fax:  (202) 9743675
e-mail:  greeneed@paho.org


Mr. Michael Ward, Principal Economist, Development Data Group, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington D.C. 20433, U.S.A.
tel.:  (1-202) 4736318  fax:  (1-202) 5223669
e-mail:  mward@worldbank.org

Mr. Selim Jahan, Deputy Director, Human Development Report Office (HDRO), UNDP, 336 East 45th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017, U. S. A.
tel.:  (1-212) 9063699  fax:  (1-212) 9063677
e-mail:  selim.jahan@undp.org


Mr. José García-Nú?ez, Regional Advisor, CST/UNFPA, Tomás de Figueroa 2451, Vitacura, Casilla 19036, SANTIAGO
tel.:  (56-2) 2066097  fax:  (56-2) 2066105
e-mail:  unfpachi@huelen.reuna.cl

Mr. Alberto Minujin, Regional Advisor, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
UNICEF, Transversal 38 No. 100-25, piso 3, P.O. Box 7555, Santa Fe de Bogotá D.C., COLOMBIA
tel.:  (57-1) 6357211  fax:  (57-1) 3101437
e-mail:  aminujin@unicef.org


Ms. Joann Vanek, Chief, Social and Housing Statistics, Statistics Division (UNSD), DC2 - 1584,
United Nations, New York, N.Y. 10017, U. S. A.
tel.:  (1-212) 9634939  fax:  (1-212) 9634116
e-mail:  vanek@un.org